Hui Xiong

Office: Xuri Building 720


Research Interests: supply chain management, platform economy, store brand


Dr. Hui Xiong is a Full Professor in Glorious Sun School of Business and Management in Donghua University, Shanghai. She was Chutian Scholar of Hubei and Huazhong Scholar of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Her research interests include supply chain management, platform economy, and store brand. She has presided over or completed 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published over 10 papers in international journals of management, such as, MS, NRL, TRE, Omega, IJPE, IJPR, and DA as first and/or corresponding author. She worked as a visiting scholar in University of California, Berkeley and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She won Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science) 2015 and Omega Best Paper Award 2022. She is a guest editor of Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering and a reviewer for MSOM, POM, NRL, TRE, OMEGA, IJPE, JSYS, Journal of Systems and Management and National Natural Science Foundation of China.


  • 2008.09-2009.09  Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department, University of California, Berkeley, Exchanged Doctoral Students

  • 2006.08-2012.01  School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Ph.D

  • 2002.09-2006.06  School of Management and Department of Foreign Language, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Arts

Work Experience

  • 2024.05 to present    Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Professor

  • 2023.10-2024.01   Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Visiting Scholar

  • 2013.07-2024.04  School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor

  • 2016.01-2017.01  Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Scholar

  • 2012.04-2013.07  Research Center of Electronic Information Industry, CCID Consulting Co., Ltd., Consultant

Social Services

  • Guest editor for Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering

  • Reviewer for journals MSOM, POM, NRL, TRE, OMEGA, IJPE, JSYS, Journal of Systems and Management and so on

  • Reviewer for National Natural Science Foundation of China


  • Hui Xiong* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2014. Product line design with seller-induced learning, Management Science, 60(3): 784-795. 1. (Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science))

  • Xiaogang Lin, Ying-Ju Chen and Hui Xiong*, 2024. Manufacturers’ efforts and platform’s demand information sharing in eco-friendly actions, Forthcoming in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

  • Hui Xiong, Ying-Ju Chen and Lu Hsiao*, 2024. Developing a store brand or collecting a commission: Amazon’s strategy and quality decision, Naval Research Logistics, 71(6): 800–815.

  • Chia-Wei Kuo, Hui Xiong*, Ying‐Ju Chen, Ting-Kai Chang, Shining Wu, and Yung-Hsun Chang, 2024. Vertical product line extension when online retailers serve as mom-and-pop stores' suppliers, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 122, 102944.

  • Jie Liu and Hui Xiong *, 2023. Information disclosure, consumer returns, and operational costs in omnichannel retailing. Naval Research Logistics, 70(4): 376–391.

  • Lu Hsiao, Ying-Ju Chen, and Hui Xiong*, 2023. Commission, product quality and return policy in agency selling. Naval Research Logistics, 70(3): 231–245.

  • Hui Xiong and Jie Liu*, 2023. Return insurances in a competitive market: benefiting the high-quality or low-quality retailer?, International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108719.

  • Lu Hsiao and Hui Xiong*, 2022. Store brand introduction, retail competition and manufacturers' coping strategies, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 165, 102861.

  • Lu Hsiao, Ying-Ju Chen, Hui Xiong*, and Haoyu Liu, 2022. Incentives for disclosing the store brand supplier, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 109, 102590.  (Omega Best Paper Award 2022)

  • Yutian Chen, Hui Xiong*, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2021. Should traditional retailers function as pre-warehouses of online retailers?, International Journal of Production Research, 59(5): 1476-1495.

  • Lu Hsiao, Ying‐Ju Chen, and Hui Xiong*, 2019. Supply chain coordination with product line design and a revenue sharing scheme, Naval Research Logistics, 66(3): 213–229.

  • Hui Xiong* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2016. Nonlinear pricing with consumer satiation, Naval Research Logistics, 63(5): 386–400.

  • Hui Xiong* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2013. Product line design with deliberation costs: a two-stage process, Decision Analysis, 10(3): 225-244.

  •    (*: corresponding author)


  • Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science), Ministry of Education, 2015

  • Chutian Scholar, Provincial Education Department, Hubei, 2015

  • Best young researcher, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2015

  • Huazhong Scholar, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2016

  • Omega Best Paper Award 2022


At Donghua University

  • Graduate: Methodology in Management Research

At Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  • Undergraduate: Quality Management, Electronic Logistics, Logistics Management Research, Production Practice

  • Graduate: Logistics Information Technology and Application, Quality and Reliability Management, Operation and Supply Chain Management

Students for whom I serve as the Academic Advisor

  • Jie Liu (2018.9-2023.6), Business School, Soochow University, Assistant Professor

  • Simin Yan (2015.9-2018.6),, Product Manager

  • Yongli Long (2016.9-2019.6), OPPO,Product Operation Manager

  • Qi Xie (2017.9-2019.6), Huawei, Procurement Manager

  • Yiqing Zhan (2017.9-2020.6), Huawei, Supply Chain Management Engineer

  • Xu Luo (2019.9-2022.6), Honor,Supply Chain Management Engineer

  • Yaning Wang (2020.9-2023.6), Auditing Bureau of Taikang County in Zhoukou, Staff