Xiaohong Zhao
Office: Xuri New Building 423
Email: zhaoxh@dhu.edu.cn
Research interests: Prosocial behavior, consumer psychology
Xiaohong Zhao, lecturer, Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University. Her research area is consumer prosocial behavior, with interests in donation behavior, green consumption, sustainable consumption, etc.
2018.09-2023.06 Business Administration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D.
2021.09-2022.09 Bryan School of Business and Economics, The University of North Carolina Greensboro, Joint Ph.D. funded by CSC
2015.09-2018.06 Management Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, M.A.
2011.09-2015.06 E-commerce, Taiyuan University of Technology, B.S.
Work Experience
Since 2023.11 Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University, Lecturer
Academic Achievements
Journal Papers
Fengyan Cai, Xiaohong Zhao*, and Weicheng Guo (accepted), “Research on the Impact of Windfall Money on Purchase Intention for New Products: The Mediating Role of Perceived Risk,” Journal of Management Sciences in China.
Choi Sunhwa, Yi Youjae, and Xiaohong Zhao. (2024). The human touch vs. AI efficiency: How perceived status, effort, and loyalty shape consumer satisfaction with preferential treatment. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 81, 103969.
Xiaohong Zhao, Fengyan Cai, and Zhiyong Yang (2023), “Are People Less Generous After a Family Member Gives to Charity? The Interaction of Self-Construal and Relationship Type,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40(2), 398-416.(ABS 4)
Xiaohong Zhao, Binglin Chen, and Pei Jin (2023), “Inspired to Donate: How Donors’ Social Class Impacts Charitable Donations,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 22(1): 3-13. (ABS 2)
Qigeng Li, Xiaohong Zhao, and Mingyang Yu (2017), “Effect of Online Reviews Information Structure and Regulatory Focus on Review Perceived Usefulness,” Journal of SJTU (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 25(4), 87-96.
Qigeng Li, Xiaohong Zhao, and Mingyang Yu (2017), “The Impact of Information Characteristics of Online Reviews on Perceived Usefulness and Purchase Intention of Service Products,” Industrial Engineering and Management in China, 22(6), 148-53.
Qigeng Li, Xiaohong Zhao, and Yaoyu He (2017), “An Empirical Study of Influencing Factors of Perceived Usefulness of Online Review,” Information Theory and Practice in China, 40(8), 122-25.
Conference Papers and Presentations (*denotes presenter)
Xiaohong Zhao*, Fengyan Cai, and Zhiyong Yang, “Are People Less Generous After a Family Member Gives to Charity? The Interaction of Self-Construal and Relationship Type,” presented at the 2022 Chinese Marketing Association of Universities, Jilin, China. (Best Paper Award)
Xiaohong Zhao*, Fengyan Cai, and Zhiyong Yang, “Are People Less Generous After a Family Member Gives to Charity? The Interaction of Self-Construal and Relationship Type,” presented at the 2022 ACEM Doctoral Students Form, Shanghai, China. (Excellent Paper Award)
Xiaohong Zhao*, Fengyan Cai, and Zhiyong Yang, “Inspire Me to Donate: The Role of Group Membership between Donor and Solicitor,” presented at the 2021 Chinese Marketing Association of Universities, Xi’an, China.
Research Project
2025-2027 Research on the Effect of Consumers’ Global-Local Identity on Charitable Giving Behavior, Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (72402032), Principal
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Graduate of SJTU (Top 3% of SJTU), 2023
ACR-Sheth Dissertation Award Winner ($2,000), 2022
Academic Excellence Scholarship (Top 2% of SJTU, 1st in the Marketing Department, ¥40,000), 2022
Teaching Courses
Undergraduate: Introduction to Marketing, Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Graduate: Marketing Management