Peiji Xu
Office: Xuri New Building 407
Email: pjxu@dhu.edu.cn
Research interests: accounting and capital market
Dr. Peiji Xu (1993-), lecturer of Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University. He is mainly engaged in theoretical and empirical research in accounting and capital market. Dr. Xu has published several CSSCI-indexed articles as the first author and presided several projects such as the Post-doctoral Foundation Program. Dr. Xu is a blind reviewer of several academic journals,like Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Dr. Xu is Chinese Certified Public Accountant and has legal professional qualification.
2018.09-2022.06 Accounting, School of Accountancy, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Ph.D.
Work Experience
Since 2024.09 Department of Business Administration, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Lecturer
2022.09-2024.08 Post-doctoral Research Station in Business Administration, School of Management, Fudan University, Post-doctor
Journal Papers
P. Xu, S. Xue, Y. Gao. Is the Impairment of Goodwill Based on the Performance Commitment Sufficient?[J]. Accounting Rearch, 2023(6): 47-61. (CSSCI)
S. Xue, P. Xu. Can Analysts See Through the Goodwill Bubble: the Impact of Goodwill on Analysts' Earnings Forecasts[J]. Accounting Rearch, 2022(2): 32-45. (CSSCI)
P. Xu. Executive Compensation, Board of Directors and Classification Shifting[J]. Finance & Trade Economics, 2020, 41(3): 80-99. (CSSCI)
S. Xue, P. Xu. Can Analysts See Through Goodwill Bubbles? -- The Impact of Goodwill on Analysts' Forecasts[J]. China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2021, 9(2):195-220.
P. Xu, S. Xue. The Positive Spillover Effect of External Audit on Non-audit Information Disclosure -- From the Perspective of Annual Financial Statement Audit Quality and Goodwill Impairment Forecast[J]. Securities Market Herald, 2023(11): 32-42. (CSSCI)
P. Xu, S. Xue, Z. Li. Can Performance Commitment be Regarded as an Efficient Signal? -- An Empirical Evidence from Unrecognized and Recognized Net[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2023, 25(1): 79-92. (CSSCI)
G. Xu, P. Xu, Y. Lu. Environmental Financial Performance Evaluation and Index Construction of Industrial Development in China: An Empirical Study Based on Provincial[J]. Journal of Hohai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017, 19(6): 36-43. (CSSCI)
P. Xu, G. Yuan. The Evaluation System of Industrial Ecological Construction and Its Theoretical Explanation[J]. Reform, 2016(4): 74-84.(CSSCI)
P. Xu. Performance Evaluation of Environmental Governance: Literature Review and Extension[J]. Chongqing Social Science, 2016(12): 116-122.(CSSCI Extended Edition)
Teaching and Research Projects
2023-2024 Research on the Accounting Issues of Fair Value under the Background of Chinese Characteristics System: Based on the Perspectives of M&Ac Performance Commitment and Goodwill Measurement, Chinese Postdoctoral Foundation Project(2023M742379), Principal.
2023-2024 Research on High Quality Development of Listed Companies in China: Based on the Perspective of Scientist Serving as Actual Controllers, Shanghai 'Super Postdoctoral' Incentive Project(2023059), Principal.
2019-2021 Research on the Economic Consequences of Accounting Classification Shifting, Graduate Innovation Fund of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics(CXJJ-2019-308), Principal.
Since 2022 Internal Governance Mechanism and Audit Risk Control of Accounting Firm, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(72172076), Participant.
2019-2022 Changes in Audit Environment, Risk Control of Accounting Firm, and Audit Quality: A Study Based on Accounting Firm Level and Audit Team Level, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(71872107), Participant.
Undergraduate: Accounting, Tax Law