

报告题目: Leveraging Network Effects for Connected Products: Strategies and Implications for the Value Chain

报告时间: 32815:00


报告人: 窦一凡 教授

报告人简介:复旦大学管理学院信息管理与商业智能系教授、博士生导师、副系主任。他的主要研究兴趣是电子商务、平台模式和数字虚拟产品的经济学问题。他的本科和博士毕业于清华大学经济管理学院。他在国内外高水平学术期刊发表了多篇论文,这些研究工作被Harvard Business Review、《解放日报》《文汇报》等媒体报道。他是2022年中国信息经济学会乌家培奖2023中国管理学青年奖的获得者。


报告简介:We explore how value chain participants can leverage the potential business value brought by the network eects of connected products with marginal production costs. We examine a classic two-tier value chain of a connected product that exhibits network eects. First, we present a benchmark model of a decentralized value chain operated through the wholesale price contract and demonstrate how the presence of network eects improves profitability and eciency. Next, we explore two representative strategies value chain participants can employ to further exploit network eects: network expansion and engineering network strength. We find that these two strategies have a complementary relationship as the marginal production cost of the product declines. Finally, we investigate the impact of adopting these strategies on the eciency loss of the decentralized value chain compared to the centralized one. The results suggest that both strategies could either increase or decrease such eciency loss, and a decentralized value chain might bring about larger social welfare under network eects.