办公室: 旭日新楼 421
邮箱: tianchenghu@dhu.edu.cn
研究兴趣: 产业经济、国际商务、企业创新
2018.09-2023.01 Queen Mary University of London, 商务与管理学院,博士
2016.09-2017.06 Queen Mary University of London, 经济与金融学院,硕士
2015.09-2018.06 上海财经大学,商学院,国际商务硕士(国际组织人才基地班)
2012.09-2016.06 上海财经大学,金融学院,金融学学士
2023.05至今 旭日工商管理学院, 东华大学, 讲师
2018.12 至今 英中博士联合会管理员
Tiancheng Hu, Foreign Ownership in Joint Ventures Under Knowledge Leakage Risks: The Influence of Industrial Munificence and Dynamism [J], Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 2023, 68: 100796.
Tiancheng Hu; Rui Guo; Lutao Ning, Intangible Assets and Foreign Ownership in International Joint Ventures: Moderating Role of Related and Unrelated Industrial Agglomeration [J], Research in International Business and Finance, 2022, 61: 101654.
Qiong Zhou; Yanling Lian; Tiancheng Hu, The Role of Top Management Team in Oversea Location Choice: Evidence from Chinese Firms' Investments in European Industrial Clusters [J], Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 58(6): 1677-1687.
Xuhong Xu; Tiancheng Hu; Rui Guo; Shang Chen; Lutao Ning, How to Evaluate Company Directors at State Owned Enterprises? A Framework of Virtue and Competence Based on the Chinese Experience [J], International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023.
Tiancheng Hu, The Influence of Institutional Dynamics on Foreign ownership in International Joint Ventures: Speed, Irregularity and Synchronization[J], Management International Review, under review.
Tiancheng Hu; Liangjian Hu; Lutao Ning, Return and Volatility Spillovers in the Asia- Pacific Information Technology Stock Market [C], The IEEE International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship, 2018.
Xuhong Xu; Shang Chen; Rui Guo; Tiancheng Hu; Lutao Ning, Virtue and Competence: the Case of Directors Evaluation at Chinese State Owned Enterprises[C], Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022.
Tiancheng Hu; Lutao Ning, FDI-linked Technology Spillovers and Firm Productivity:The Role of Related Industrial Structures [C], British Academy of Management Conference, 04 September 2020.