办公室:旭日新楼 423
2013.10-2020.08 工业工程, 美国克莱姆森大学, 博士
2009.09-2013.07 工业工程, 上海海事大学, 学士
2024.7至今 旭日工商管理学院, 东华大学, 讲师
2021.09-2024.06 土木与环境工程, 工程学院,美国康奈尔大学, 博士后
2020.09-2021.09 工业工程, 工程学院,美国阿肯色大学, 博士后
2022-2024 Large-scale CoPe: Coastal Hazards, Equity, Economic prosperity, and Resilience (CHEER), 美国国家科学基金(NSF),参与人
2017-2023 LEAP-HI: Embedding Regional Hurricane Risk Management in the Life of a Community: A Computational Framework, 美国国家科学基金(NSF),参与人
2018-2023 Integrated Process Optimization for Biochemical Conversion, 美国能源部(USDOE), 参与人
2017-2021 Framework for Accommodating Emerging Autonomous Vehicles, 美国交通部(USDOT), 参与人
Liu, D., Li, J., Wing, I. S., Blanton, B., Kruse, J., Nozick, L., & Millea, M. (2024). Unequal economic consequences of coastal hazards: hurricane impacts on North Carolina. Environmental Research Letters, 19(10), 104003.
Liu, D., Eksioglu, B., Schmid, M., Huynh, N., & Comert, G. (2024). Decentralized platoon formation for a fleet of connected and autonomous trucks. Expert Systems with Applications, 249, 123650.
Liu, D., Guo C., Nozick L., Millea M., Kruse J., Williams C., Davidson R., Trainor J. (2024). Comprehensive Approach to Reduce Hurricane Risk with a Focus on Equity and Economic Prosperity, chapter Springer Nature under the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institute (GADRI) Book Series: Disaster and Risk Research.
Liu, D., Eksioglu, S., & Roni, M. (2021). Optimal Control of Biomass Feedstock Processing System Under Uncertainty in Biomass Quality. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19(3), 1645-1661.
Liu, D., Eksioglu, B., Schmid, M. J., Huynh, N., & Comert, G. (2021). Optimizing energy savings for a fleet of commercial autonomous trucks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(7), 7570-7586.
Liu D., Nozick L., Millea M., Kruse J., Davidson R., Trainor J., Li J., Williams C. Impacts on homeowners and insurers from Government-funded mitigation. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Upcoming.
Liu D., Nozick L., Kruse J., Millea M., Li J., Davidson R. Computing and Evaluating Multi-regions Competitive Prices for hurricane-related insurance. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Upcoming.
Davidson R., Kruse J., Liu D., Millea M., Nozick L., Wing I.S., Trainor J., Williams C.. Stakeholder-based Tool for the Analysis of Regional Risk (STARR). Natural Hazards Review. Upcoming.
Liu D., Nozick L., Millea M., Kruse J., Davidson R., Williams C., Trainor J. (2023). Understanding the impacts of government spending on retrofits and buyouts to mitigate regional and homeowner impacts from hurricanes. 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14), Dublin, Ireland, 2023.
Liu, D., Eksioglu, S., Roni, M., & Kucuksayacigil, F. N. (2021). Optimization Model for Streamlining of Biomass Processing Systems. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (pp. 830-835). Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
Liu, D., Eksioglu, B., Schmid, M., Huynh, N., & Comert, G. (2020). Simulation-Optimization Platooning Model for of a Fleet of Commercial Autonomous Trucks. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (pp. 1-6). Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
Cheng, B., Liu, D., & Nozick, L. (2024). Understanding Derived Demand for Transportation to Support Electric Vehicle Recharging After Earthquake Events. 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024.
Schmid, M., Liu, D., Eksioglu, B., Huynh, N., & Comert, G. (2020). Prediction Model for Energy Consumption in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Formations. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (pp. 1176-1181). Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
'Understanding Derived Demand for Transportation to Support Electric Vehicle Recharging After Earthquake Events.' D Liu, B cheng, L Nozick. 57th HICSS Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, 2024.
'Hurricane Policy Support through Integration of Disciplinary Contributions.' R Davidson, J Kruse, D Liu, M Millea, L Nozick, J Trainor, C Williams. ASCE INSPIRE Annual Conference, Arlington, VA, 2023.
'Modeling Policy Interventions to Reduce Losses for Low Income Households from Hurricanes.' D Liu, L Nozick, J kruse, M Millea, R Davidson, J Trainor. INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2023.
'Optimization of Integrated Biorefinery Operations Via Biomass Blending.' D Liu, SD Eksioglu, M Roni. INFORMS Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2021
'Optimization Model for Streamlining of Biomass Processing Systems.' D Liu, SD Eksioglu, M Roni. FN Kucuksayacigi. IISE Annual Conference (virtual), Montreal, Canada, 2021.
'Simulation-Optimization Platooning Model for of a Fleet of Commercial Autonomous Trucks.' D Liu, B Eksioglu, M Schmid, N Huynh, G Comert. IISE Annual Conference (virtual), New Orleans, LA, 2020.
'Prediction Model for Energy Consumption in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Formations.' D Liu, M Schmid, B Eksioglu, N Huynh, G Comert. IISE Annual Conference (virtual), New Orleans, LA, 2020.