讲座主题:公立医院系统中的报销政策对于社会福利,重访比率和等待时间的影响(The Impact of Reimbursement Policy on Social Welfare, Revisit Rate and Waiting Time in a Public Healthcare System



主讲人:Dr. Yulan Wang 汪玉兰The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

讲座内容:This lecture will examine the impact of Fee-for-Service and Bundled Payment reimbursement schemes on the social welfare, the patient revisit rate, and the patient waiting time in a three-tiered public healthcare system comprising (a) a public funder who decides on the reimbursement rate to maximize the social welfare, (b) a public healthcare provider (HCP) who decides on the service rate (which affects the revisit rate and operating cost), and (c) a pool of (waiting time-sensitive) patients who decide whether or not to seek elective treatments. We focus our analysis on (1) a Fee-for-Service (FFS) scheme under which the HCP receives the payment each time a patient visits (or revisits); and (2) a Bundled Payment (BP) scheme under which the HCP receives a lump sum payment for the entire episode of care for each patient (regardless of the number of revisits). By considering an M/M/1 queueing model with endogenous arrivals and revisits, we analyze a three-stage Stackelberg game to determine the patients' initial visit rate, the HCP's service rate (which affects the revisit rate), and the funder's reimbursement rate. The above analysis enables us to compare the equilibrium outcomes (social welfare, revisit rate and waiting time) associated with the FFS and BP schemes. We find that when the patient pool is large, the BP scheme dominates in terms of higher social welfare and lower revisit rate, but the FFS scheme dominates in terms of waiting time. However, when the patient pool is small, the BP scheme dominates the FFS scheme in all three performance measures.


Dr Yulan Wang 是香港理工大学海运及物流系副教授。她拥有美国杜克大学(Duke University)工商管理博士学位,上海交通大学硕士与学士。她的研究已发表于众多国际顶级期刊,如Management Science,Operations Research,Production and Operations Management,Naval Research Logistics,European Journal of Operational ResearchDr Yulan Wang的研究领域包括了supply chain outsourcing, the application of game theory in system design and coordination, and the behavior issues in operations management