Ruihan Zhang

Office: Xuri New Building 407


Research interests: firm innovation management, technology management


  • Dr. Ruihan Zhang is currently an associate professor at Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University. She is mainly engaged in firm innovation management, with interests in innovation management, technology management, ABMS, etc.


  • 2018.09-2019.09  Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, Exchanged Doctoral Students

  • 2015.09-2021.06  Management Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Ph.D.

Work Experience

  • Since 2024.09    Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor

  • 2021.07-2024.08   Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Lecturer


Journal Papers

  • Zhang, R., Li, X., Yan, X., & Bian, Y. (2024). Does customer concentration matter in business model value: Threshold effects of carbon emissions and dynamic capabilities? Technovation, 137, 103095. (SSCI, ABS 3)

  • Zhang, R., & Wang, S. (2024). How the “Effective Government” Promotes the Evolution of China’s Industrial Policies——A Case Study Based on the Mobile Telecommunications Industry. Journal of Public Management (公共管理学报), 21(1): 94-105+172. (CSSCI)

  • Zhang, R., & Sun, B. (2023). Research on the Government’s Mechanism of Dominant Technology Standard Substitution in the Mobile Communication Industry. Journal of Public Management (公共管理学报), 20(2): 92-102+171. (CSSCI)

  • Zhang, R., & Li, H. (2024). Formation mechanism simulation of high-tech industry’s dominant technology: a niche overlap perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 36(10), 2545-2560. (SSCI, ABS 2)

  • Zhang, R., & Gao, H. (2025). Does service-oriented manufacturing affect the sustainability performance of Chinese green manufacturing firms: an integrated study including empirical analysis and agent-based simulation. Kybernetes, 54(1), 17-53. (SCI)

  • Zhang, R., & Sun, B. (2024). Complex Adaptive System Theory, Agent-Based Modeling, and Simulation in Dominant Technology Formation. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 35(1), 130-153. (SCI)

  • Zhang, R., & Sun, B. (2020). A competitive dynamics perspective on evolutionary game theory, agent-based modeling, and innovation in high-tech firms. Management Decision, 58(5): 948-966. (SSCI, ABS 2)

  • Zhang, R., Sun, B., Liu, M., & Hou, J. (2021). Haze pollution, new-type urbanization and regional total factor productivity growth: based on a panel dataset involving all 31 provinces within the territory of China. Kybernetes, 50(5), 1357-1378. (SCI)

  • Li, H., Wang, M., & Zhang, R. (2022). Cross-border network ties of returnee entrepreneurs and foreign market diversity. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 29(4): 824-845. (SSCI, ABS 2)

  • Zhang, Q. & Zhang, R. (2017). The Impact of Service-Oriented Manufacturing on Core Enterprise Performance: Based on the Perspective of Supply Chain Cost of Core Enterprise. Science & Technology Progress and Policy (科技进步与对策), 34 (11):66-72.

Conference Papers and Presentations

  • Zhang, R., & Bing, S. (2017). The Impact of Service-Oriented Manufacturing on Core Enterprise, presented at INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, Houston, USA.

Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks

  • Zhang, R. Research on the Formation Mechanism of Dominant Technologies in the Digital Creative Industry: Based on the MLP Perspective, Beijing: Economic Management Press, 2023.

Teaching and Research Projects

  • 2022-2024  Research on Shanghai Creative Industry’s Digital Innovation to Promote Urban’s High-Quality Development, Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Foundation (no. 2022ECK004), Principal

  • 2023-2024  Research on Chinese Path to Modernization Driven the Leap of Dominant Technology of Digital Creative Industry in Shanghai: Mechanism Analysis, Development Path and Policy Demand, Shanghai Soft Science Research Youth Project (no.23692123400), Principal

  • 2023-2024  Research on High-Quality Development of Shanghai Digital Culture and Creative Industry, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Decision Consultation Research Project (no. 2023-JD-F07-B), Principal

  • 2022-2022  Research on the Digital Development Path and Implementation Plan of Shanghai Design Industry, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Decision Consultation Research Project (no. 2022-YJ-M01), Principal

  • 2018-2021  Research on Formation Mechanism of Knowledge-intensive Industry’ Dominant Technology and Promotion Policy from Multi-level Perspective, National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 71774035), Participant


  • Undergraduate: Innovation Management, industrial marketing, Management


  • Since 2023  China Society of Industrial Economics