Yong Wu
Office: Room 528, Glorious Sun School old Building
Email: wuyong@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: information security management
Wu Yong, Associate Professor, deputy director of Department of management science and engineering, academic director of engineering management, School of management, Donghua University. He has published more than 20 SCI/SSCI/CSSCI papers in authoritative journals at home and abroad such as JAIS, JORS, EJOR, ESWA and System Engineering Theory and Practice, edited 2 textbooks, participated in the compilation of 1 national standard, presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China and 3 provincial projects, guided students to win more than 60 prizes in national and provincial competitions, and guided many students to win the Shanghai Outstanding Graduates.
2013.09-2018.02 Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, Ph.D.
2012.09-2017.12 Management Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Ph.D.
2008.09-2012.06 E-Commerce, Hefei University of Technology, B.S.
Work Experience
Since 2021.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2018.01-2021.08 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Lecturer
Honors and Awards
2022 The Second Prize of Undergraduate Teaching Achievement of Donghua University
2021 Excellent instructor of Shanghai Computer Application Ability Contest
2021 The Second Prize of Teaching Competition for Young Teachers of Donghua University
2020 Excellent Class Tutor of Donghua University
2019 May 4th Youth Pioneer Post of Donghua University
2019 The Second Prize of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province
2018 Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Colleges and Universities
Journal Papers
Wu, Yong; Liu, Yihao; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2024) Managing partial outsourcing on information security in the presence of security externality, Expert Systems with Applications, 246: 123003. (SCI)
Cheng, Dong; Wu, Yong*; Yuan, Yuxiang; Cheng, Faxin; and Chen, Dianwei. (2024) Modeling the Maximum Perceived Utility Consensus Based on Prospect Theory. Group Decision and Negotiation. Publish online. (SSCI)
Wu, Yong; Xu, Mengyao; and Feng, Gengzhong. (2024). Information security outsourcing contract design considering cost information asymmetry. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2024,1-13. (CSSCI)
Dai, Tao; Yu, mingyu; Wu, Yong*. (2024) When to Announce the Queueing Information for Bounded Rationality Customers: A Discrete-event Based Simulation Model, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Publish online. (SCI)
Wu, Yong; Kang, Zi; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2023) Managing cloud security in the presence of strategic hacker and joint responsibility, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 0(8). (SSCI)
Wu, Xiaomin; Wu, Yong*; Li, Qingying; and Dai, Tao. (2023) How to react to hacker types and asset types in security decision-making. Expert Systems with Applications, 231: 120654. (SCI)
Dai, Tao; Zhang, Ning; and Wu, Yong*. (2023). The optimal service number model of online customer service considering customer abandonment. Operations Research and Management Science, 32(7):211-218.
Wu, Yong; Xiao, Haocheng; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2022). A game-theoretical model of firm security reactions responding to a strategic hacker in a competitive industry. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73(4): 716-740. (SSCI)
Wu, Yong; Xu, Mengyao; Cheng, Dong; and Dai, Tao. (2022) Information security strategies for information-sharing firms considering a strategic hacker. Decision Analysis, 19(2):99-122. (SSCI)
Wu, Yong; Wang, Linping; and Feng, Gengzhong. (2022). Research on incentive contract of information security outsourcing of complementary supply chain enterprises under bilateral moral hazard. System Engineering-Theory & Practice, 42(11):2916-2926. (CSSCI)
Cheng, Dong; Yuan Yuxiang; Wu, Yong; Hao Tiantian, and Cheng Faxin. (2022) Maximum satisfaction consensus with budget constraints considering individual tolerance and compromise limit behaviors. European Journal of Operational Research. 297(1): 221-238. (SCI)
Wu, Yong; Tayi, Giri Kumar; Feng, Gengzhong; and Fung, Richard Y. K. (2021) Managing Information Security Outsourcing in a Dynamic Cooperation Environment, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(3). (SSCI, ABS-4*)
Wu, Yong; Wang, Linping; Cheng, Dong; and Dai, Tao. (2021) Information security decisions of firms considering security risk interdependency. Expert Systems with Applications, 178:114990. (SCI)
Wu, Yong; Duan, Junlin; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2020) Managing security outsourcing in the presence of strategic hackers. Decision Analysis, 17(3): 235-259. (SSCI)
Cheng, Dong; Cheng, Faxin; Zhou, Zhili; and Wu, Yong*. (2020) Reaching a minimum adjustment consensus in social network group decision-making. Information Fusion, 59: 30-43. (SCI)
Berore 2019:
Wu, Yong; Feng, Gengzhong; and Fung, Richard Y. K. (2018) Comparison of information security decisions under different security and business environments. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69(5). (SSCI)
Wu, Yong, Fung, Richard Y. K.; Feng, Gengzhong; and Wang, Nengmin. (2017) Decisions making in information security outsourcing: Impact of complementary and substitutable firms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110: 1-12. (SCI)
Wu, Yong; Feng, Gengzhong; Wang, Nengmin; and Liang, Huigang. (2015) Game of information security investment: Impact of attack types and network vulnerability. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(15-16): 6132-6146. (SCI)
Wu, Yong; Feng, Gengzhong; and Wang, Nengmin. (2013). Comparative study on business models of typical logistics public information platform in China. Journal of Business Economics, 264(10): 14-21. (CSSCI)
Teaching and Research Projects
2020-2021 Case teaching design of 'principles and applications of big data technology' course based on innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, Donghua University's Specialty Innovation Integration Project, Principal
2019-2021 Research on information security contract design and investment decision based on security externality, General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(71801035), Principal
2018-2020 Information security investment decision-making research, Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Fee Special, Principal
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Feng, Gengzhong; Wu, Yong; and Shi, Xiaomei. (2021). Logistics Information System, Beijing: China Machine Press.
Feng, Gengzhong; Wu, Yong; and Zhao, Shaohui. (2015). Theory and Practice of Logistics Public Information Platform, Beijing: China Science Press.
Feng, Gengzhong; Wu, Yong. et al. Logistics Standards of the People's Republic of China "Steel logistics Statistical Index System WB/T1071-2018"
Teaching and Research Projects
2024-2027,DHU Distinguished Young Professor Program,Principal
2023-2026 Research on data security management strategy and supervision mechanism considering joint responsibility, General Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of Ministry of Education (23YJA630100), Principal
2023-2025 Principles and applications of big data technology, Shanghai University Key Courses, Principal
2022-2024 Research on enterprise cloud security operation strategy and contract design based on cloud security characteristics, Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project (2022ZGL009), Principal
2022-2023 Course construction of "Business Big Data Analysis" based on case teaching, Donghua University's Graduate Course Construction Project, Principal
2020-2021 Case teaching design of "principles and applications of big data technology" course based on innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, Donghua University's Specialty Innovation Integration Project, Principal
2019-2021 Research on information security contract design and investment decision based on security externality, General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (71801035), Principal
2018-2020 Information security investment decision-making research, Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Fee Special, Principal
Undergraduate: Operations Research, Big Data Technology Principle and Application
Graduate: Business Big Data Analysis, Project Management
Reviewer for ISR, JORS, TRE, Chinese Journal of Management and other SCI/SSCI journals
Member of CSWIM, ISAP, ICIS, CNAIS, POMS-China and other international conference procedure committees
Member of Systems Engineering Society of China, Member of China Logistics Society