Kui Yu
Office: Room 317, New Glorious Sun School Building
Email: yukui@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: marketing, fashion marketing, internet business model
Teacher Kui Yu received her MBA degree from New York Institution of Technology in 1999. Her main research fields are marketing management and fashion marketing, and published several books in relevant field. Dozens of journalist papers related to her research fields have been issued.
1998.09-2000.03 Business Administration, New York Institution of Technology & Jiangx University Finance and Economics, M.A.
1989.09-1993.06 English Language and Literature, Jiangxi University, B.A.
Work Experience
since 2001.10 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua Unversity
2000.02-2001.09 Shanghai Gaojing Technology Research Institute of Electronics
1993.07-2000.01 Agriculture Bank of China, Jiangxi Branch
Journal Papers
Li, H., Yu, K., & Dong, W. (2012). A research on consumers' response to footwear stockouts. Management Review, (007): 63-69.
Li, H., Yu, K., & Xia, J. (2011). How negative online reviews affect consumers' online purchasing decision: an empirical study. Journal of Intelligence, (005): 202-206. Wang, Z., Yu, K., & Zeng, M. (2004). The application of fuzzy analysis method in the risk sequences of financial organizations. Journal of Applied Sciences, (002): 255-257.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Yu, K. (2014). Research on the measurement and influencing factors of the employee loyalty of exhibition company in china, presented at APHSS 2014.
Yu, K. (2011). A research on perceived value and satisfactory of female online purchasing, presented at E-Business and E-Government, 5: 7650-7653.
Wang, Z., & Yu, K. (2006). Discussion on the calculation method of coordinated development degree among human, resources and environment, presented at Annual Meeting of Social Economic System Engineering Committee of Chinese Society of Systems Engineerin.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
2016.03 Reassignment of the Agricultural Labor Force in China, Enterprise Management Publishing House.
2009.07 Macroeconomics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
2009.01 Microeconomics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2019-2020 Wenzhou "G104 fashion corridor" three year construction action plan, Participant
2018-2020 Shanghai all English model course retail management, Principal
2014-2016 Research on fashion brand planning and communication, Central University Fund Project, Principal
2009-2011 Research on the evaluation of clothing brand value in Chinese market, Research on Evaluation of Clothing Brand Value in Chinese Market, Participant
Undergraduate: Retail Management(in English), Fashion Marketing Management, E-Business Model
Graduate: Retail Management