Lin Wang
Office: New Building of Management School, Room 309
Email: wanglin@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: project risk management, simulation of complex systems
Dr. Lin WANG(1991-) is currently an Assistant Professor and Graduate Advisor at the School of Management, Donghua University. Her research focuses on areas such as project risk management and the simulation of complex systems. Students who are interested in these areas are welcome to join the research team.
2014.09-2017.12 Management Science and Engineering, School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Ph.D.
2012.09-2015.03 Management Science and Engineering, School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, M.S.
2008.09-2012.07 Information Management and Information System, School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2020.10 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Assistant Professor
2018.01-2020.09 Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral researcher
Academic Experience
2015.10-2016.10 Warwick University, Visiting Student
2011.01-2011.07 Polytechnic University of Valencia, Visiting Student
Honors and Awards
Excellent Graduation Thesis for Undergraduates at Donghua University (Advisor)
Third Prize of Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (Fourth Contributor)
First Prize at the Shaanxi Graduate Innovation Achievements Exhibition
National Scholarship
Lin Wang, Shenghui Gu, Weilan Suo*. Research on a resilience-oriented resource allocation for the protection and restoration of critical infrastructures considering multiple interdependencies. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2024, 32(6): 301-311.
Lin Wang, Weilan Suo*. Research on the risk evaluation mechanism of critical infrastructures in complex interdependent scenarios. Management Review, 2024, 36(1): 225-235.
Libiao Bai, Qi Xie, Jiachen Lin, Shiyi Liu, Chenshuo Wang, Lin Wang*. Dynamic selection of risk response strategies with resource allocation for construction project portfolios, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 191:110116.
Yuping Xing, Lin Wang*. Evaluation for hierarchical diagnosis and treatment policy proposals in China: a novel multi-attribute group decision-making method with multi-parametric distance measures, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2022, 37(2): 1089-1117.
Weilan Suo, Lin Wang, Jianping Li*. Probabilistic risk assessment for interdependent critical infrastructures: A scenario-driven dynamic stochastic model, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 214: 107730
Lin Wang, Martin Kunc*, Jianping Li. Project portfolio implementation under uncertainty and interdependencies: A simulation study of behavioural responses. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2020, 71(9): 1426–1436.
Lin Wang, Jianping Li, Chao Li. Modeling human behaviors in project management: Insights from the literature review. In: Leroy White et al. (Eds), Behavioral Operational Research: A Capabilities Approach. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. (Book Chapter)
Yuntao Guo, Lin Wang*, Suike Li, Zhi Chen, Yin Cheng. Balancing strategic contributions and financial returns: a project portfolio selection model under uncertainty, Soft Computing, 2018, 22(16): 5547-5559.
Lin Wang*, Martin Kunc, Sijun Bai. Realizing value from project implementation under uncertainty: An explorative study using system dynamics, International Journal of project management, 2017, 35(3): 341-352.
Lin Wang*, Sijun Bai, Zhen Shang. Project portfolio selection under uncertainty: a disturbing-valued fuzzy clustering method, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2017, 22(5): 48-53.
Sijun Bai, Libiao Bai, Yuntao Guo, Lin Wang. Strategic-Oriented Project Portfolio Management. Xi’an: NPU Press, 2019. (Book)
Research Projects
Ministry of Education Youth Project for Humanities and Social Sciences Research, " Research on the Evolution Mechanism of Behavioral Risks in Engineering Project Portfolios in Complex Scenarios ", September 2022 to August 2025, Principal Investigator.
Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan - Rising Star Program (Yangfan Special Project), "Mechanism Analysis and Identification of EoC Behavior in Next-Generation Infrastructure Construction Projects", April 2022 to March 2025, Principal Investigator.
Undergraduate Courses: Operations Management, Engineering Project Management, Project Management Software, Exhibition Project Management
Graduate Courses: Financing and Management of Engineering Projects (for Master’s students in Engineering Management)