Chiyin Chen
Office: Xuri New Building 417
Email: chenchiyin@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: organizational behavior, HRM
Dr. Chiyin Chen is currently an associate professor in the Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University. Her research interests include orgnaizational behavior and human resource management. Dr. Chen has published over 10 journal papers and presided several scientific projects. She earned her Ph.D. in management from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and visited Rice University as a visiting scholar.
2012.09-2018.12 Business Administration, Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D.
2008.09-2012.06 Human Resource Management, Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, B.S.
Work Experience
Since 2022.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2018.12-2022.08 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Assistant Professor
Academic Experience
2014.08-2015.08 Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, Visiting Scholar
Honors and Awards
2021-2022 Pioneer of Youth in Donghua University
Journal Papers
Zhang, K.*, Chen, C. *, & Tang, N. 2023. When is higher LMX comparison not always effective? The role of team-level LMX disparity and neuroticism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(6), 870–885. SSCI, ABS 3 stars
Yang, S., Wang, Y., Li, Z. *, Chen, C.*, & Yu, Z. 2022. Time-of-Day effects on (un)healthy product purchases: Insights from diverse consumer behavior data. Journal of Business Research, 152, 447-460. SSCI, ABS 3 stars
Chen, C., & Tang, N. 2022. How to include me: Incorporating impression management into the person-organization fit framework. Current Psychology, 41(6): 3374-3387. SSCI, ABS 1 star
Chen, C., Tang, N., & Wang, Y. 2021. Fit with both supervisors and organizations: Examining the interactive effect of person–environment fit perceptions, Journal of Personnel Psychology, 20(3): 136-145. SSCI, ABS 2 star
Wang, C., Flamini, G., Wang, K., Pei, R. & Chen, C. 2021. Entrepreneurial decision-making and family social capital. Management Decision, 59(5): 938-952. SSCI, ABS 2 star
Chen, C., & Tang, N. 2018. Does perceived inclusion matter in the workplace? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(1): 43-57. SSCI, ABS 3 star
Tang, N., Zheng, X., & Chen, C. 2017. Managing Chinese diverse workforce: Toward a theory of organizational inclusion. Nankai Business Review International, 8(1): 39-56.
Tang, N., Jiang, Y., Chen, C., Zhou, Z., Chen, C.C., & Yu, Z. 2015. Inclusion and inclusion management in the Chinese context: An exploratory study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6): 856-874. ABS 3 stars
Liu, D., Chen, C., & Yang, S. 2023. Fashion and digitalization: Exploring the construction of the undergraduate program of marketing in Donghua University. Journal of Higher Education of Finance and Economics(财经高教研究), 9(1): 165-175.
Zhang, K., Shi, J., & Chen, C. 2023. Detecting self-made errors: A theoretical framework based on AMO perspective. Human Resource Management of China(中国人力资源开发), 40(11): 8-21.
Chen, C., Li, X., Zhang, K., & Tang, N. 2022. Literature review on research of nonstandard workers. Chinese Journal of Management(管理学报), 19(3): 463-474.
Chen, C., Tang, N., Zhang, K. 2022. Perceived workplace inclusion: Conception, antecedents and mechanisms. Journal of Donghua University (Nautral Science) (东华大学学报自然科学版). 48(1): 103-109+117.
Chen, C., & Weng, L. 2021. Perceived workplace inclusion in the context of employment status diversity context: Research on the formation mechanism from fit perspective. Human Resource Management of China(中国人力资源开发), (8): 6-20.
Chen, C., & Tang, N. 2017. Ten years of team process research: Form 2008 to 2017. Human Resource Management of China(中国人力资源开发), (12):47-59.
Zhu, X., Kong, L., Hao, L., & Chen, C. 2016. Can inclusive leadership promote R&D professionals' innovative performance? An analysis of the mediated moderation effect. Science and Technology Management Research(科技管理研究), (2):112-116.
Chen, C., Tang, N., & Tan, Q. 2015. An explorationary research of millennial generation’s self-concept and generation identification. Modern Management Science(现代管理科学). (8), 103-105.
Chen, C., Tang, N., & Zhu, X. 2014. University students’ work values and career choice intention: Taking Shanghai and Jiangxi for examples. Journal of East China Jiaotong University(华东交通大学学报), (5): 134-142.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Chen, C., & Tang, N. (2021). How to make me included: Incorporating impression management into person-organization fit framework, presented at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Chen, C., & Tang, N. (2019). Perceived workplace inclusion: Developing the scale and verifying its effectiveness, presented at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
Chen, C., Tang, N., & Zhang, K. (2018). P-S fit and Inclusive leadership: Interactive effect on career role performance, presented at Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, USA.
Tang, N., Chen, C., & Zhang, K. (2017). Inclusive leadership in China: A three-factor framework, presented at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
Chen, C., Tang, N., & Wang, Y. (2016). Match with supervisor or organization: Linking fit perceptions with performance from interactive perspective, presented at 31th International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Chen, C., & Tang, N. (2016). Does feeling of inclusion matter in innovative behavior: a moderated mediation model from role identity theory, presented at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
Tang, N., Chen, C., & Zhang, K. (2014). Inclusive leadership in China: A three-factor framework, presented at International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.
Chen, C., & Tang, N. (2013). Work values and career choice intention: An exploratory study, in International Conference on Public Human Resource Management and Innovation (pp. 36-42). (CPCI-SSH/ISSHP)
Tang, N., Chen, C., Zhu, X., & Huang, M. (2013). Individual CQ, team CQ and organizational CQ: A multilevel adaptation model, in International Conference on Management Science and Engineering(ICMSE) (pp. 242-247). (IEEE)
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Chen, C., & Tang, N. (2022). Perceived Workplace Inclusion: Conception and Research Framework in the Chinese Context, Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
Tang, N., Chen, C., & Huang, Q. (2017). Human Resource Diversity and Inclusion Management, Beijing: Science Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2020-2022 A multi-level study of perceived workplace inclusion under the employment diversity context, Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(no.71902023), Principal
2020-2022 Organization inclusion from the vertical-horizontal framework: Multi-level study from individual perceptions to human resource management approaches, Youth Program of Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Foundation(no.2019JG015-EGL023), Principal
2017-2020 Inclusive leadership in Chinese context: Construct, predictors, and dual path mechanism, National Natural Science Foundation of China(no.71672114), Participant
2012-2016 Millennial employees and diversity human resource management: Multi-level research from inclusion perspective, National Natural Science Foundation of China(no.71132003), Participant
2011-2013 Team coordination mechanism and team effectiveness in cross cultural teams: From the perspective of cultural intelligence, National Natural Science Foundation of China(no.71072055), Participant
Undergraduate: Organizational Behavior (first-class undergraduate courses in Donghua University, 2022), Organization Theory and Design, Management
Graduate: Human Resource Management (MIB, MBA), Organization and Human Resource (Academic Master)
Academy of Management(AOM), Member
International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR), Member