Chenying Zhou
Office: Xuri Building 624
Email: shadowzcy@163.com
research interests: theory and policy for international trade
Dr. Chenying joined Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University in summer 2005. She is currently an associate professor, who received her master and doctoral degree majored in economics at Hu’nan University in 2002 and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 2005 respectively. Her research interests include topics in international economics and local public finance in China.
2002.09-2005.06 International Trade, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Ph.D.
1999.09-2002.06 International Economics, Hunan University, M.A.
1995.09-1999.06 International Trade, Hu'nan College of Finance and Economics, B.A.
Work Experience
since 2007.11 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2005.07-2007.11 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Assistant Professor
Academic Experience
2013.04-2014.08 California State University, Senior Visiting Scholar of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
Journal Papers
Zhou, C., & Tian, F. (2019). Research on optimizing strategy of bilingual course teaching of international economics for graduate students. University Education, 2: 170-172.
Zhou, C., & Li, H. (2019). Has OFDI to the manufacturing industry in the US improved Chinese technological innovation? An empirical study. Journal of Donghua University(Social Science Edition), 19(01): 76-84.
Tian, F., & Zhou, C. (2018). Evaluations on the division effects between fiscal responsibility and expenditure liability in urban areas: taking Shanghai as an example. Contemporary Finance & Economics, 401(04): 27-37.
Tian, F., & Zhou, C. (2017). Evaluation of Chinese social governance capabilities based on factor analysis. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition), 019(002): 59-65.
Tian, F., & Zhou, C. (2016). Social governance in China: index, convergence and influential factors. Public Finance Research, 8: 54-65.
Tian, F., & Zhou, C. (2013). The equalization of the regional basic public services and measure on financial system: an analysis framework. Reforms, 1: 50-57.
Zhou, C. (2013). Thinking of regional fiscal equalization in yangtze delta area. Commercial Research, 06: 144-150.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Zhou, C., & Tian, F. (2018). Equalization of Regional Basic Public Services: An Framework of Fiscal System, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Zhou, C. (2007). The Profit Principle of Comparative Advantages and Its Realization.
Teaching and Research Projects
2018-2020 Division of financial power and expenditure obligations between the city and districts governments in Shanghai, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science(2018BJB004), Principal
2015-2016 Optimizing financial system to promote the modernization of Shanghai's social governance ability, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science(2015BJB007), Principal
2012-2015 Research on financial system of public service equalization in Yangtze River delta region, Shanghai Education Commission(13ZS041), Principal
2011-2013 Research on the financial system reform to promote equalization of regional basic public services, Ministry of Education(11YJC630300), Principal
2011-2013 Study on the financial system optimization of promoting the balance of basic public services in Shanghai during the twelfth five-year plan period, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science(2011BJB002), Principal
Undergraduate: Trade Practive for Imports and Exports, International Settlements
Graduate: International Economics