Xiaojun Wu
Office: Xuri Building 725
Email: xjunwu@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: industrial economy, sharing economy, innovation, tourism management
Xiaojun Wu is an Associate Professor at the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, China. Her research interests focus on industrial economics and tourism management. She has hosted four scientific research projects sponsored by national and municiple fundings and has published more than 30 academic papers. She used to be a visiting schoar at Cornel University. She also serve as reviewers for academic journals such as Tourism Tribune, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and for NNSFC.
2006.07 Industrial Economics, Fudan University, Ph.D.
2002.03 Tourism Management, Zhejiang University, M.S.
1997.07 International Economics, Nankai University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2008.09 Tourism Management Department, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2006.07-2008.08 Antai Economics and Management School, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Post-doctor
Honors and Awards
2018 Best Paper in Annual Conference of China Tourism Research
2016 Best Teacher in Donghua University
2008-2009 Outstanding Achievements in Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences
Academic Experience
2013.04-2014.04 Cornel University, Visitng Scholar
2009.01-2009.02 Swedish Institute, Visiting Scholar
Journal Papers
Yang, S., Liu, Y., Wu, X.* (2021). 1+ 1< 2! Effects of Social Media Engagement and Advertising on Firm Value of Tourism and Hospitality Companies[J]. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 2021: 10963480211015361 (SSCI)
Wang, Z. , Li, Y. , Gu, F. , Guo, J. , & Wu, X. (2020). Two-sided matching and strategic selection on freight resource sharing platforms. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 559. (SCI SSCI)
Wu, X., & Qiu, J. (2019). A study of airbnb listing price determinants: Based on data from 36 cities in China. Tourism Tribune, 34(4): 13-28.
Tian, Z., Tian, Y., & Wu, X. (2019). The spillover effect of synergistic development of technology incubating industry on regional innovation. Studies in Science of Science, 37(1): 57-69.
Wu, X., & Shen, J. (2018). A study on airbnb’s trust mechanism and the effects of cultural values-based on a survey of Chinese consumers. Sustainability, 10(9): 3041.
Wu, X., Zhang, Y., & etc. (2018). Spatial distribution of coworking space in shanghai. Urban Development Studies, 25(12): 62-71.
Wu, X., & Yu, L. (2018). Concept clarification, connotation evolution and development of B&B. Tourism Research, 2: 84-94.
Wang, L., Dai, Q., & Wu, X. (2018). The study on the temporal and spatial distribution of event tourism-based on large-scale tourism early warning platform. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 20(8): 31-40.
Wu, X., & Fang, Y. (2017). Pricing strategy analysis of sharing economic platforms based on the two-sided markets theory. Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, 5: 28-36.
Wu, X., & Fang, Y. (2016). The challenge of the sharing economy and the reflection on the government regulation reform. Shanghai Economics Research, 9: 9-16.
Wu, X., & Shen, J. (2015). Literature review on sharing economy and future prospect. Reform, 12: 52-60.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Wu, X. (2018). Research on the Sharing Economy and Government Regulation Change, Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press.
Gao, R., & Wu, X. (2009). Research On the Innovative Cluster Of Healthcare Industry In Shanghai, Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Publishing House.
Gao, R., & Wu, X. (2008). The Evaluation Report On The Development of Chinese Metropolitan Regions. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House and Gezhi Publishing House.
Gao, R., & Wu, X. (2007). Research on the Structure and Functional System of Shanghai Metropolitan Region, Shanghai: Shanghai Sanlian Publishing House.
Teaching and Research Projects
2018.01-2021.11 Study on spatial behavior of sharing economy and its social economic impact-based on empirical study of online short-rental practice,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal
2015.06-2016.06 Research on newly-emerged business model and regulation, Science and Technology Committee of Municipal Shanghai, Principal
2011.02-2013.02 Research on the dynamics and efficiency of hotel industry cluster-Based on the evidence in Shanghai, China Central Universities Fund, Principal
2010.03-2011.01 Research on the patterns of governmental funding and management on R&D and commercialization of industrial technology in developed countries, Science and Technology Committee of Municipal Shanghai, Principal
2009.05-2009.11 Research on the choice of developing new strategic industries in Shanghai within the period of the“12th 5 years”, Shanghai Scientists Association, Principal
Service Management, Cross-cultural Management, Managerial Economics