Hongqin Wei
Office: Xuri Building 704
Email: hqwei@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: intelligent decision-making, product development
Dr. Hongqin Wei joined Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University in winter 2003. She is currently an associate professor in the School of Management, Donghua University. She received her master and doctoral degree majored in material processing engineeringat Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2003 and Shanghai Jiaotong university 2006 respectively. Her research interests include intelligent decision-making and product development. Dr. Wei has published over 30 journal papers, and presided over several scientific projects.
2000.03-2003.11 Material Processing Engineering, Department of Plastic Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ph.D.
1997.09-2000.02 Material Processing Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, M.S.
1990.09-1994.07 Forging Device and Processes, School of Mechanical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2007.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2003.11-2009.08 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Assistant Professor
1994.07-1997.08 Xiangfan Axle Co, Technician
Academic Experience
2018.08-2017.08 School of Business Administration, Central Michigan University, Visiting Scholar
2010.04-2010.08 Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Visiting Scholar
Honors and Awards
2012 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(no.NCET-12-0824)
2009 Nomination of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations
Journal Papers
Wei, H., & Ying, M. (2020). Exploration on teaching mode of information security course for information management major. Education and Teaching Forum, 07: 179-180.
Zhou, C., & Wei, H. (2019). Research on patent evaluation and classification based on SOM-SVM. Analyze and Knowledge Discovery, 29(5): 117-124.
Wei, H., & Zhou, C. (2018). Research on knowledge flow and technology fusion trend among patents. Technology Evolution and Methods, 35(22): 17-22.
Zhou, C., & Wei, H. (2018). Research on the knowledge flows of inter-provincial green-car in China based on patent citation network. Journal of Intelligence, 37(07): 0-65.
Zhou, C., & Wei, H. (2018). Research on industrial cluster, distance decay and knowledge spillovers. Journal of Intelligence, 37(11): 203-207, 191.
Zhou, C., & Wei, H. (2018). Research on identifying crowd participants with modified random forests algorithm. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2(07): 46-54.
Xu, X., & Wei, H. (2018). Research on comments mining methods for product development. Modern Computer, 1: 30-33.
Xu, W., & Wei, H. (2018). Identifying crowd participants with modified random forests algorithm. Modern Computer, 03: 35-39.
Yu, Y., & Wei, H. (2016). New product concept decision-making based on improved quality house and topsis. Modern Commercial and Industry, 12: 53-56.
Bi, J., & Wei, H. (2012). Application of BI in marketing optimisation. Journal of ShanDong University of Science and Technology, 26(1): 101-105.
Bi, J., & Wei, H. (2011). Application of an improved BP neural network in sales forcasting. Journal of ShanDong University of Science and Technology, 25(6): 29-33.
Zhu, J., & Wei, H. (2010). Research on after-sale service case representation of electric water heater for customer knowledge management. China Market, 45: 124-126.
Wei, H., & Chen, J. (2007). Reasearch on aluminum profile extrusion product development intelligent decision support system. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 10(2/3): 294-309.
Wei, H. (2007). Concurrent design process analysis and optimization for aluminum profile extrusion product development. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 33(7/8): 652-661.
Wei, H., & Yang, B. (2007). Research on automatic decision rule base maintenance and refinement mechanism based on improved genetic algorithm. Management science, 5.
Wei, H., Chen, J., & Yang, B. (2006). Research on aluminum extrusion profile product development knowledge base architecture based on MAS. Machine and Hydraumatic, 4.
Wei, H., Yu, D., Ruan, X., & etc. (2004). Deforming analysis of sheet metal based on stereo vision and coordinate grid. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing: Mineral Metallurgy Materials(Eng Ed), 11(2).
Wei, H., & Lou, Z. (2004). Research on CORBA-based distributed decision support system for aluminum profile product development. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 5.
Wei, H., Lou, Z., & Ruan, X. (2003). Aluminum profile extrusion product development concurrent design process optimization and reconstruction(in Chinese). Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 37(12).
Wei, H., & Peng, Y. (2003). Research on aluminum profile product development intelligent decision support system. Forging and Stamping Technology, 2.
Wei, H., & Yu, D. (2003). Image matching technology in sheet metal strain measurement based stereo vision. Journal of Shanghai Jiaogong University, 7.
Wei, H., & Yu, D. (2002). Coordinate grid analysis based on stereo vision. Journal of Plasticity Engineering, 2.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Wei, H. (2012). Research on the architecture of enterprise NPD information environment evaluation based on process analyzing, presented at International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering(ICIII).
Wei, H. (2010). Research on customer after-sale service intelligent decision-making based on component reasoning mechanism, presented at International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE).
Wei, H. (2008). Research on various knowledge reasoning mechanism for multi-solution intelligent decision making support, presented at 2008 China Information Technology Application Workshop(CITAW).
Wei, H. (2012). Enterprise information environment evaluation for new product development, presented at 2012 the Fifth International Sysposium on Computational Intelligence and Design(ISCID).
Wei, H. (2007). A two-stage rule base optimization method based on combination of classical algorithm and GA for intelligent decision support system, presented at International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering(ICISKE).
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Wei, H. (2016). Computer Information Security Management, Beijing: China Texile Press.
Wei, H. (2010). Computer Information Security Expriments, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2019-2020 Computer information security, Donghua University High-quality Online Courses Foundation, Principal
2016-2019 Computer information security, Shanghai Key Undergraduate Courses Foundation, Principal
2016-2019 Research on multi-granularity user demands model in internet personal configuration, Donghua Social Science Foundation, Principal
2012.01-2014.12 Research on establishment and management of modern manufacturing enterprise NPD knowledge base, China Central Universities Research Foundation, Principal
2010.01-2010.12 Research on knowledge-driven product development innovation mechanism for textile company, China Central Universities Research Foundation, Principal
2008.11-2011.11 Research on diversifying knowledge presentation, maintenance and refinement for intelligent decision making, Donghua University Liberal Arts Prospering Foundation, Principal
2006.09-2008.09 Research on resources reproduction industrial intelligent decision system, Shanghai Education Committee Foundation, Participant
Undergraduate: Computer Information Security, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP Lab, Enterprise Decision Support Systems
Graduate: Mordern Industry Engineering, New Product Development