Daqin Wang
Office: Management Building 303
Email: wangdaqin@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: service operation management
Dr. Daqin WANG joined Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University in 2014. He is currently a Associate Professor. He received his doctoral degree majored in management engineering and theory at Tongji University in 2011. He focuses on decision optimization algorithms and products. He has published research papers in IJPE and COR journals. He is well experienced in digital operations management in industries. He was awarded second prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award twice due to his works in industries.
2006.09-2011.01 Management, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Ph.D.
2002.09-2006.06 Bachelor in Logistics Management, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2015.12 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2014.02-2015.12 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Lecturer
Academic Experience
2011.06-2013.09 Division of Production Economics, Linköping University, Postdoc
Honors and Awards
2018 Second Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award
2014 Shanghai Excellent Doctoral Dissertations
2014 Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan
2009 Second Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award
Journal Papers
Wang, D., & Tang, O. (2015). A note on the rationing policies of multiple demand classes with lost sales. International Journal of Production Economics, 165: 145-154.
Wang, D., & Tang, O. (2014). A periodic review lot sizing problem with random yields, disruptions and inventory capacity. International Journal of Production Economics, 155: 330-339.
Wang, D., & Tang, O. (2014). Dynamic inventory rationing with mixed backorders and lost sales. International Journal of Production Economics, 149: 56-67.
Wang, D., Tang, O., & Huo, J. (2013). A heuristic for rationing inventory in two demand classes with backlog costs and a service constraint. Computers & Operations Research, 40: 2826–2835.
Wang, D., & Huo, J. (2010). Inventory policy for system with multiple demand classes in finite horizon. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 06: 981-986.
Wang, D., & Huo, J. (2010). Multi-shaped bulk-cargo ship stowage model and algorithm or the optimization of out-bound logistics. Industrial Engineering and Management, 05:11-16+21.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Wang, D., & Tang, O. (2013). Inventory stacking with partial information.
Wang, D., & Blomvall, J. (2012). A branch and bound algorithm for moving a stack of containers.
Wang, D., Tang, O., & Lindholm, A. (2013). Production planning in chemical industry.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Wang, D. (2011). On Inventory Rationing Policies with Multiple Demand Classes, Tongji University Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2020 E-commerce-Service Manpower Optimization Project, Principal
2019 FMCG-Smart Supply Chain Project(Supply Network Planning, Advanced Production Scheduling), Principal
2018 Financial Industry-Customer Characteristics and Profile Analysis Project, Principal
2018 Manufacturing-Distribution and Production Joint Optimization Project, Principal
2018 Financial Industry-Abnormal Customer Group Identification Project, Principal
2017 Manufacturing-Production scheduling optimization project under a complex environment, Principal
2017 Finance Industry-Personalized Voice Service Recommendation Project, Principal
2017 Finance Industry-Precision Marketing Project, Principal
2017 Pharmaceutical Industry-Abnormal Sales Data Analysis Project, Principal
2016 Financial Industry-Electronic Channel Customer Behavior Analysis Project, Principal
2015 E-commerce-Intelligent Distribution Optimization Project, Principal
2013 Swedish Process Industry Project(PIC-OPIC): Swedish Perstorp Chemical Group's production and inventory optimization project under random environment, participant
2011-2012 Swedish Process Industry Project(PIC-Li): The factory logistics and yard management optimization project of Sweden SSAB Steel Company, participant
2009-2010 China Post Group Network Design Optimization Project, participant
2008-2011 A Key Project of the NSF(70832005): Research on theories, methods and key technologies of service operation management, participant
2007-2008 Baosteel Factory Logistics and Ship Stowage Optimization Project, participant
Undergraduate: Inventory Management
Graduate: Inventory Management