Remarkable Events

On the warm sunny morning of January 15, 2021, the class teachers of Professional Degree Education Center of Glorious Sun College of Business and Management sat together to talk and summarize their work in 2020.

At present, there are six professional degree programs, more than twenty classes and about 700 students in the Professional Degree Education Center. The Professional Degree Education Center is equipped with eleven class teachers to help and guide the students' study life and career development, and the class teachers also organize colorful activities to enrich students' after-school life.

During the symposium, the class teachers presented the student activities, awards, student composition and career background of the classes they lead, as well as the one-on-one communication with students. Ms. Xie Lijuan of the Admissions Department has been leading MEM classes since 2014 and has created the brand activity Flaubert's Saturday. This semester, she organized six sharing activities:  Reminiscence of Sha Ba, Reflections on the Three Body Problem , Cherry Blossom Story, Talking about my new understanding of scientific literacy, create a clean space, smart home. These sharing activities strengthened the communication between students from different industries. Ms. Ju Fei from the Admissions Department designed class logos and class uniforms for the 20th grade double-degree students. Ms. Li Xiaonan from Teaching Department invited EMBA entrepreneurial alumni and the chairman of MBA Federation to share their entrepreneurial experience and management experience for the class.

Ms. Xu Jiayi and Ms. Xiao Yan of the Admission Department, Ms. Wang Lichao and Ms. Ji Wenjing of the Student Affairs Department actively organized full-time classmates to carry out colorful activities—— ice-breaking games, knowledge quiz, senior sharing and holiday party.

At last, Prof. Wang Wenjie, Director of Professional Degree Education Center, affirmed the efforts of each class teacher and encouraged each class teacher to make further efforts to be a good leader and servant of students and contribute to the professional degree education of our college!

Writer: Professional Degree Education Center, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University