Pingjun Dong
Office: Xuri Building 701
Email: dpj2000@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: Sales Planning Optimization
Dong Pingjun, associate professor, Department of information management, member of Chinese Institute of certified public accountants (CPA).
2011 Management Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Ph.D.
2000 Enterprise Management, Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University, M.A.
1996 Department of Textile Engineering, Hebei Science and Technology University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2009.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Vice Professor.
2003.10-2009.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Lecturer.
2000.09-2003.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Teaching Assistant.
Academic Experience
2006.06-2006.09 IBM China Limited (Beijing) software development laboratory, Visiting scholar
Honors and Awards
2013 The two prize of national teaching achievement ranked
2013 Shanghai municipal teaching achievement first prize ranked
2011 CSC-IBM China scholarship of excellent teachers
2009 Shanghai municipal teaching achievement two prize ranked
2008 CSC-IBM China scholarship of excellent teachers
2005 The two prize of national teaching achievement ranked
Journal Papers
Chen, M., & Dong, P. (2017). Characteristics of online consumer behavior in China. China circulation economy, (02): 80-85.
Xue, Y., Chen M., & Dong, P. (2014). Study on regional differences of consumer online shopping preferences in China. Modern Information, (08): 7-13.
Dong, P. (2008). A new view of knowledge based on complexity. Science Research, 26(6):1131-1135.
Dong, P. (2007). Management scheme of electronic paper archive based on content management. China Education Informatization.
Dong, P. (2007). Application of content management technology in the management of school roll archives. Modern Library and Information Technology.
Dong, P. (2007). Benchmarking based organization informatization evaluation incentive model. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University.
Dong, P., & Biao, M. (2004). Integration of CBR and RBR in intelligent decision support systems. Chinese Management Science.
Pan W., & Dong, P. (2002). Research on inventory management system of manufacturing industry based on supply chain management. Journal of Donghua University, (01): 61-65.
Dong, P. (2000). Development and application of modern enterprise decision-making simulation system. Application of Computer Systems, (01): 49-50+53.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Wang, F. & Dong, P. (2010). Development and evaluation of an experiential learning service in 3D virtual world. Hangzhou, presented at China: IEEE Computer Society.
Wang, F. & Dong, P. (2009). The multi-tenant data architecture design for the collaboration service system of textile & apparel supply chain, presented at 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing.
Dong, P. & Yang. (2007). Knowledge relevance model based on semantic similarity: towards decision support. Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 611-618.
Dong, P. & Wang, F. (2007). An intelligent service agent in service-oriented environment, presented at proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, 19-22.
Dong, P. (2006). A systematic explanation of the IT paradox, in, presented at Proceedings of the third advanced forum on e-commerce in China.
Ma, B., & Dong, P. (2004). Framework design of intelligent decision support system based on heterogeneous knowledge. presented at proceedings of the annual conference of Chinese control and decision making.
Dong, P. & Yang. (2004). The design of isomeric knowledge-based IDSS architecture, presented at proceedings of 2004 Chinese Control and Decision Conference.
Dong, P. (2004). Integrated intelligent decision support system in CBR and RBR, presented at conference proceedings of China scientific management Chinese optimization overall planning research method and economic mathematics study and Economic Mathematics.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Dong, P. (2015). Entrepreneurship Experiment: Enterprise Decision Making Simulation, Peking University Press.
Dong, P. (2010). Business Process Modeling and Simulation Experiment Tutorial, Donghua University Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2017.01-2017.12 Enterprise Consulting Project: Jeanswest sales budget integration and warehouse operation optimization research, Principal.
2015.08-2016.12 Enterprise Consulting Project: Jeanswest online shopping business data analysis and operation optimization research project, Principal.
2011 IBM Funding: 3D modeling and innovation in apparel industry, Participate.
2013 National Social Science Foundation Project, Network survey of consumption with Chinese characteristics, Participate.
Undergraduate: Management Information Systems, Object-oriented Programming,
Enterprise Decision Simulation.