Qingying Li

Office: Xuri Building 527

Email: liqingying@dhu.edu.cn

research interests: service operations management, supply chain management


   Dr. Qingying Li is a Professor at Glorious Sun at the School of Business and Management; her research interests include service operations management, platform operations management, and supply chain management. Dr. Qingying Li is the principal investigator for three National Natural Science Foundation of China Programs. She has published over thirty journal articles, including POM, IJPE, IJPR, OMEGA,ORL, ANOR, JORS, etc.


  • 2010.03-2013.03  Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ph.D.

  • 2007.09-2010.03  Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, M.S. 

  • 2003.09-2007.07  Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, B.S.

Work Experience

  • Since 2020.09  Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Professor

  • 2023.11-2024.10 University of Liverpool Management School, Research Honorary        

  • 2016.09-2020.08  Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor

  • 2014.09-2016.08  Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Lecturer

  • 2013.06-2014.06  Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Selected Journal papers

  • Li, Q., Guo P., Li, C.-L. & Song, J.-S. (2016). Equilibrium joining strategies and optimal control of a make-to-stock queue. Production and Operations Management 25(9): 1513-1527.

  • Li, Q., Zhu, S., Choi, T.-M., & Shen, B. 2025. Maintaining E-commerce supply chain viability: Addressing supply risks with a strategic live-streaming channel. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science 133, 103276.

  • Li, Q., Zhu, S., & Chen, H.. 2024. Order-fulfillment coalitions in a hybrid e-commerce platform: myopic versus farsighted stability. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 41(4), 2440003.

  • Li, Q., Ding, H., Shi ,T., & Tang, Y. 2023. To share or not to share: the optimal advertising effort with asymmetric advertising effectiveness. Annals of Operations Research, 329(10), 249–276.

  • Li, Q., Ma, M., Shi, T., & Zhu, C. 2022. Green investment in a sustainable supply chain: The role of blockchain and fairness. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 167, 102908.

  • Li, Q., Zhu, C., & Shi, T. 2021. Augmented reality advertising in an e-commerce model with competition. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 49, 101092.

  • Li, X., Li, Q., & Guo, P. (2021). Time-based or fixed-fee? How to penalize cancellation of orders of car-hailing applications. International Journal of Production Economics, 232, 107960.

  • Li, Q., Guo, P., & Wang, Y. (2020). Equilibrium analysis of unobservable M/M/n priority queues with balking and homogeneous customers. Operations Research Letters 48(5), 674-681.

  • Li, Q., Guan, X., Shi, T., & Jiao, W. (2020). Green product design with competition and fairness concerns in the circular economy era. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1): 165-179.

  • Li, Q., & Zhou, J. (2019). A horizontal capacity reservation game under asymmetric information. International Journal of Production Research, 57(4): 1103-1118.

  • Li, Q. (2018). The optimal multi-period modular design with fairness concerns. International Journal of Production Economics, 233-249.

  • Li, X., Li, Q., Guo, P., & Lian, Z. (2017). On the uniqueness and stability of equilibrium in quality-speed competition with boundedly-rational customers: The case with general reward function and multiple servers. International Journal of Production Economics, 726-736.

  • Li, C.-L., & Li, Q. (2016). Polynomial-time solvability of dynamic lot size problems. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research 33(3): 1650018.

  • Shen, B., Li, Q. Dong, C. & V. Quan. (2016). Design outsourcing in the fashion supply chain: OEM vs. ODM. Journal of the Operational Research Society 67(2): 259-268.

  • Li, C.-L., & Li, Q. (2015). Scheduling jobs with release dates, equal processing times, and inclusive processing set restrictions. Journal of the Operational Research Society 66(8): 516 - 523.

  • Guo, P., & Li, Q. (2013). Strategic behavior and social optimization in partially-observable Markovian vacation queues. Operations Research Letters 41(3): 277-284.

Research Projects

  • 2024-2027  The Operations Management of a Live Streaming E-Commerce Supply Chain Under Multi-information Asymmetry, National Natural Science Foundation of China, (72371068), Principal

  • 2019-2022  Operational issues of on-demand service platforms with strategic customers and self-scheduled agents, National Natural Science Foundation of China(no. 71871052), Principal.

  • 2018-2020  DHU distinguished young professor program b, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Principal

  • 2016-2018  Service customization management of fashion products with strategic customers, National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 71571037), Principal.