Junli Zhao
Office: Xuri Building 625
Email: zjl@dhu.edu.cn
Research interests: industrial economics,international economics, textile and apparel industry
Dr. Junli Zhao is a full professor in Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University. Now, her professional interests concentrate on industrial economics, textile and apparel industry, international economics, innovation, and strategy. She has presided and accomplished eight national and provincial level grants, and also participated in more than 10 national grants. She has published more than 60 articles in public journals which including more than 20 SSCI, EI, CSSCI and CSCD Journal, 2 books, and she also participated in writing a 13rd Five-Year Plan text book. She has obtained five provincial level research awards.
2005-2009 Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Ph.D in Economics.
2000-2003 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, M.S. in Economics
1995-1999 South-central University for Nationalities, B.S. in Ecnonomics
Work Experience
2015- present Professor, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University
2009-2014 Associate Professor, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University
2005-2009 Lecturer, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University
2003-2005 Assistant Professor, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University
Academic Experience
2014-2015 Central Michigan University, Visiting Scholar
2009-2010 University of South Australia, Visiting Scholar
Honors and Awards
2023 “Industrial Robots, Human Capital, and Employment: an Example from Textile Industry”, Secnod Prize, Outstanding Paper Award,China National Garment Association(CNGA).
2023 “Measurement of Digitalization Level of Chinese Textile Listed Companies”, Third Prize, Outstanding Paper Award, China National Garment Association (CNGA).
2022 “Whether the free trade agreement has promoted the export of China's core cultural products', the second prize of the outstanding achievement award of Jiangsu Cultural Industry Association.
2020 Best teacher for International students at Donghua University
2019 Best teacher for International students at Donghua University
2016 “Liability of Foreignness of OFDI of Chinese Textile Industry:a Case from Southeast Asia”,Third Prize, Economic Research Awards,China National Textile and Apparel Council(CNTAC).
2015 Research Report “The Study on Upgrading of Chinese Textile Industry after Financial Crisis in 2008”,Economic Research Awards, CNTAC.
2013“Changes in International Industrial Organizations and Transition in Competitive Strategic of Chinese Apparel Enterprises”, Third Prize, Economic Research Awards, CNTAC.
2010 Outstanding Young Teacher in Shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.
2010 “Upgrading of Japanese Textile and Apparel Industry and Imply to China”, Second Prize, Economic Research Awards, CNTAC.
2008 “Vertical Disintegration of Global Value Chain and Upgrading of China's Textile and Apparel Industry” ,Economic Research Awards,CNTAC.
Journal Papers
Zhang W., & Zhao J.(2023), Digital transformation, environmental disclosure, and environmental performance: An examination based on listed companies in heavy-pollution industries in China, International Review of Economics & Finance[J]. (09),87:505-518. (SSCI,JCR Q2;JCI Q1).
Zhao, J., & Vigdis, B. (2015). Productivity gains from offshore outsourcing: Evidence from the Chinese manufacturing industry, China & World Economy[J], (09):104-122. 2015(09):104-122. (SSCI).
Zhao, J., &Li, L. (2011). The impact of outsourcing on local industry upgrading: A case of China from a global value chain perspective, Journal of Donghua University, (04): 261-266. (EI).
Zhao J.(2008). Trade Friction, Upgrading Path and Development of Chinese Textile and Apparel Industry, Journal of Donghua University [J],(01):88-94.(EI).
Zhao J., Ning J., Zhang W. (2024).Industrial Robots, Human Capital, and Employment: an Example from Textile Industry. Journal of Silk[J], 61(01):11-22. (CSCD).
Zhao J., Qi J., Zhang C. (2024).New Trends and Countermeasures for Global Industrial Chain Development [J]. Business Economics, (02): 1-4.
Zhao J., Zhang W.(2023). Outward Foreign Direct Investment and High Quality Development of China's Textile Industry [J]. Journal of Silk[J].,60 (12): 17-27.(CSCD).
Zhao J., Zhang W.(2023). Construction and measurement of an evaluation system for the high-quality development of China's textile industry [J]. Woolen Textile Technology,51 (01): 130-136.
Zhao J., Zhao W.(2023). Online Market Structure and Constraints of China's Sports Protective Equipment. Science & Technology of Stationery & Sporting Goods [J].(10):178-180.
Zhao J., Wang Z.(2022). Trade Friction, Heterogeneity and the Internationalization Choice of Enterprises: Empirical Study from Textile Enterprises, Journal of Silk[J].59(10):10-19.(CSCD).
Zhang W., Zhao J.(2022). Whether the Free Trade Agreement Promotes the Export of China's Core Cultural Products, Cultural Industry Research [J]. (01):224-243. (CSSCI).
Zhao J., Gao Y. (2022). Independent Transformation or Cooperative Transformation: A Green Transformation Research from Textile Dyeing Enterprises, Journal of Silk[J].,60(02):1-13.(CSCD).
Zhao J., Zhao W., Zhan Y.(2022). The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Apparel Consumption Demand: A Survey from 2021 to 2022, China Textile Press ,2022.
Zhao J., Gao Y., Ding J. (2022).The Effect of Financial Constraints on OFDI of China’s Textile Firm. China Textile Press,2022.
Zhao J., Tong F. (2020). M & A Experience, Firm Nature and the Liability of Foreignness in Overseas M & A, World Economic Research [J]. ,(02):71-82+1362. (CSSCI).
Zhao J., Zhong J., Wang L.(2020). Research on the Development Strategy of Strategic Emerging Industry Clusters from the Perspective of 'Three Chains' -- an Example of Xining Carbon Fiber Industry Cluster, Qinghai Social Sciences[J].,(05):96-105. (CSSCI).
Zhao, J., & Yan, Y. (2018). Firm’s heterogeneity and the choice of outward foreign direct investment, Journal of Donghua University, Natural Sciences, (06): 988-994.(CSCD)
Zhao, J., Wang, F. (2017). The impact of environmental regulation on upgrading of Chinese textile industry,Ecological Economy), (5) :78-84. (CSSCI)
Zhang T., Zhao J.(2016). Liability of Foreignness of OFDI of Chinese textile industry: a Case from Southeast Asia,Chinese Textile Publishing House,2016.
Zhao, J., & Wu, J. (2015). The imply of 'four new' economy in developed countries to Shanghai, Shanghai Journal of Economics[J].,(05):79-85.(CSSCI).
Zhao, J. (2014). The demand of fashion product: network externality, Consumer Economics, (06): 21-24. (CSSCI)
Zhao J., Zhang Q.(2012). The Analysis on Price High Abroad and Low Domestic of “Made in China”, Price, Theory &Practice[J]. (11):43-44. (CSSCI).
Zhao J.,(2011). Japanese Textile and Apparel Industrial Upgrading and Comparison with China, Contemporary Economy of Japan [J]. ,(01):72-79. (CSSCI).
Zhao J.(2011). An Economic Analysis of Fashion Industry, Social Sciences in Yunnan[J]., (03):33-36. (CSSCI).
Zhao J. (2011). Variation of Factors Structure,Industry Regional Moving and Industrial Upgrading, Economic Problems[J].,(04):14-16+31. (CSSCI) .
Zhao J.(2010). The Inspiration of U.S. Textile and Apparel Industrial Upgrading to China, International Economics and Trade Research[J]. ,26(01):43-47. (CSSCI).
Zhao J., Wu J.(2009) Knowledge Diffusion and Upgrading in Local Industry Cluster in Global Production Network, Science & Technology Progress and Policy[J].,26(11):36-40.(CSSCI).
Zhao J.,Wu J., (2008). New new trade theory review, Economic Perspectives[J].,(06):96-101. (CSSCI)
Zhao J.(2007). Reviewing the Impact of Incentive Regulation in the Foreign Telecommunications Industry, Reform[J].,2007(04). (CSSCI)
Conference Papers and Presentations
Zhao, J., Boasson, V., & Boasson, E. (2016). Technology gap and technology diffusion: a comparison between china and the united states, presented at 2016 Industry Studies Conference.
Zhao, J. (2010). The competitiveness of Chinese textile and apparel industry in global value chain, presented at Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications.
Zhao, J. (2010). Vertical disintegration in global value chain and industry upgrading:evidence from Chinese textile and apparel industry, presented at Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering and Business Management.
Zhao, J. (2006). Chinese exports of textiles & apparel in post MFA era: status quo and problem, presented at 2006 International Forum on Textile Science and Engineering for Doctoral Candidates.
Zhao, J. (2010). Japanese textile and apparel industrial upgrading and comparison with China, presented at China Textile Industry Transition Forum.
Zhao, J. (2008). Vertical disintegration in global value chain and the upgrading of china textile and apparel industry, presented at China Textile Industry Transition Forum.
Zhao, J. (2007). The tradeoff between offshore outsourcing and FDI: industrial organization theory approach, presented at the Fifth Social Sciences (2007) Academic Works.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Zhao, J.(2024) Textile Going abroad: OFDI and High-Quality Development of Chinese Textile Industry, Donghua Publishing Housing.
Zhao, J. (2015) “The study on upgrading of Chinese textile industry after financial crisis in 2008”, Shanghai Finance and Economics Publishing Housing
Zhao, J. (2009) “Study on Chinese textile and apparel industry in Global Value Chain”, Donghua University Publishing House.
“ Textile Economy and Textiles Trade”,China Textile Publishing House,2018. ZHAO Junli writes two chapters.
Teaching and Research Projects
2021-2023 “The Upgrading of China's Textile and Apparel Industry under the New Pattern of 'Double Circulation', National Social Science Fund (21BJY106), Principal
2009-2012 “The Study on Upgrading of Chinese Textile Industry After Financial Crisis in 2008”, National Social Science Fund (09CGJ001), Principal.
2022-2023 'The High-Quality Development of New Material Industry Cluster in Yangtze River Delta Led by Shanghai – a Case of Carbon Fiber ' Shanghai 'Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan' Soft Science Research Project (22692106000), Principal.
2020-2022 “The Study on OFDI of Chinese Textile and Apparel in Belt and Road Countries” Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (20YJAGJW007), Principal.
2007-2009 “The Study on Upgrading of Chinese Textile and Apparel Industry under the Background of International Industrial Transfer”, Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (07JC790006), Principal.
2010-2012 “Industry Organization And Competition Strategy of Enterprises” Shanghai Outstanding Young Teachers Fund, Principal.
2012-2015 “Latest Changes in Industrial Organization After Financial Crisis and Upgrading of Chinese Modern Textile Industry”, The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Principal.
2013-2016 “The Research on Synergistic Coupling Between Industrial Upgrading and Demographic Migration in China”, Innovation Fund of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Principal.
2017-2019 “The Study on International Transfer of China's Textile Industry under the New Normal Situation” Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund, Principal.
2021-2023 Shanghai University Municipal Key Course Project 'Intermediate Macroeconomics', Principal.
Undergraduate: Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics
Graduate: Managerial Economics, Microeconomics Ⅱ, International Economics
Academic and Social Posts
Director of Textile and Apparel Industry Institute
Director of China Society of Industrial Economics
Executive Director of Shanghai International Trade Association