Bin Zhang
Office: Xuri Building 520
Email: richard@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: International Trade Regime
2001.09-2005.07 Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), Ph.D.
1994.09-1998.01 Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai, M.A.
1987.09-1991.07 English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University (SHISU), B.S.
Work Experience
Since 2014.09 Donghua University, Professor
2005.09- 2014.09 Donghua University, Associate Professor
1997.08- 2005.08 Donghua University, Lecturer
1991.09- 1996.07 Donghua University, Tutor/Lecturer
Academic Experience
2016.08-2016.11 Business School, Queensland University of Technology, Visiting Professor
2009.01-2009.07 Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business, Westminster College, Visiting Professor
Journal Papers
Zhang, B. (2014). The Benchmark for Measuring Subsidies: An Economic Analysis. Journal of WTO and China.
Zhang, B. (2014). External benchmark in anti-subsidy investigations against china: A statistical analysis and comparison of historical cases in 2004-2013. Journal of International Trade.
Zhang, B. (2013). The external benchmark: an alternative to the surrogate price. World Economic Study.
Zhang, B. (2013). The external benchmark in CVD investigations: a statistical analysis of U.S historical cases (1980-2012) against market economies. International Economics and Trade Research.
Zhang, B. (2011). India’s non-market economy treatment of china in anti-dumping investigation: A statistical analysis of historical cases 1994-2009. International Economics and Trade Research.
Zhang, B. (2011). The principle of reciprocity in the multilateral trading system. International Business Study.
Zhang, B. (2011). The determination of subsidy provider in CVD investigation: an international comparison. WTO Focus.
Zhang, B. (2010). The U. S. trade adjustment assistance program: evolution, implementation and outcome. World Economic Study.
Zhang, B. (2009). Analyzing Doha round rules negotiation on subsidy benefit and its calculation benchmark. WTO Focus.
Zhang, B. (2009). Price comparison benchmark in U. S. CVD investigations against China. International Economics and Trade Research.
Zhang, B. (2006). Evolution of the ‘non-market-economy’ arrangement of the multilateral trading system: A two-dimensional-game approach. World Economic Study.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Zhang, B. (2006). Participating in the multilateral trading system: the current situation of developing countries and the strategy for China, presented at Collected Articles of the 4th Academic Conference of Shanghai Social Sciences.
Zhang, B. (2010). The Determination of ‘Government’ and ‘Public Body’ in CVD Investigations: an international comparison, presented at Collected Articles of the 8th Academic Conference of Shanghai Social Sciences.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Zhang, B. (2015). The Benchmark for Measuring Subsidy Benefits: An International Comparison of Rules and Practices, Donghua University Press.
Zhang, B. (2011). The Non-Market-Economy Treatment: History and Reality, Shanghai People’s Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2016-2019 Competitive Neutrality and State-owned Enterprises: From Domestic Policy to International Regulation, National Social Sciences Foundation
2011-2014 Price Comparison Benchmark in Countervailing Duty Investigation, National Social Sciences Foundation
2006-2008 The Politico-economic Relations between the Non-market Economies (NMEs) and the Multilateral Trading System (MTS), National Social Sciences Foundation
2008 The Export Dependence of China’s Textile Industry, National Development and Reform Commission
2007-2009 The Upgrading of China’s Textile and Apparel Industry in the Context of International Industrial Transfer, Ministry of Education
2006 Promoting Processing Trade in Services: International Experiences and the Strategy for Shanghai, Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center
2006 Negotiating International Trade Agreements: International Experiences and the Strategy for China, Ministry of Commerce
2005 Textile and Apparel Industry of Shanghai: Trade Friction and Trade Promotion after ATC, Research and Development Center, Shanghai Municipal Government
2005 The Service Industry in China: International Position, Developing Trend and Doha Round Implications, Ministry of Commerce
2001-2003 Doha Development Agenda: Negotiating Issues and the Strategy for China, Shanghai Social Sciences Foundation
2000-2002 The Impact of WTO Accession on China’s National Economic Security, ational Social Sciences Foundation
Academic and Social Posts
Research Fellow of Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center