Wenjie Wang
Office: Guanli Building 202
Email: wenjiew@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: Crowdsourcing Logistics, Supply Chain Management
Prof. Wenjie Wang is the Director of MBA office in Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University. She received her doctoral degree from Chinese Textile University in 1998. Prof. Wang had worked at McMaster University in Canada as Postdoctor fellow in 2004. Her research interests include Internet technology application and electronic commerce, logistics and supply chain management, adaptive control and combination forecasting. Prof. Wang is principal of Shanghai Natural Science Foundation project, and co-researcher of China Natural Science Foundation projects. She has published more than 50 academic papers in journals and international conference proceedings, including 7 SCI/SSCI-indexed journal papers, 5 EI/INSPEC-indexed journal papers and 18 CSCD-indexed journal papers.
1995.09-1998.07 Control Theory and Engineering, Department of Automation, Chinese Textile University, Ph.D.
1989.09-1992.07 Industrial Automation, Department of Automation, Northwest Institue of Textile Science and Technology, M.A.
1982.09-1987.07 Industrial Automation, Department of Automation, Northwest Institue of Textile Science and Technology, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2015.06 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Director, Professor
1998-2016 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor.
1987-1995 Department of Automation, Northwest Institute of Textile Science and Technology, Lecturer
Academic Experience
2003.11-2004.11 DeGroote Business School, McMaster University, Canada Post-doctoral Fellow.
1999.04-1999.06 Business School, University of Victoria, Canada, Research Fellow.
Journal Papers
Wang, W., Xu, Q., & Fan, D. (2018). Stein-rule combination forecasting on rfid based supply chain. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 35.
Xu, Q., & Wang, W. (2018). The influence of online subsidies service on online-to-offline supply chain. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 35(02): 1840001.
Wang, W., &Xu, Q. (2014). A bayesian combination forecasting model for retail supply chain coordination. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 12(2): 315-324.
Wang W., Yuan Y., Wang, X., & Archer N. (2006). Rfid implementation issues in china: shanghai port case study. Journal of Internet Commerce, 5(4):89-104.
Wang, W., Yuan, Y., & Archer N. (2006). A contextual framework for combating identity theft. IEEE Security and Privacy, 4(2): 30-38.
Wang, W., Yuan Y., Wang, X., Archer N., & Guan J. (2005). Critical factors for collaborative planning, forecast and replenishment system success in the Chinese retail industry. Journal of Internet Commerce, 4(3):23-40.
Tang, B., Xu, L., & Wang W. (2000). Adaptive control method for time-varying systems. European Journal of Operational Research(EJOR), 124(2): 342-352.
Wang, W., &Tang, B. (1999). Adaptive control for a class of intelligent system based on the fuzzy parameter identification. Expert Systems with Application (ESWA), 16(1):43-48.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Wang, W., & Xu, Q. (2016). Coordination in apparel dual-channel supply chain with asymmetric cost information, presented at Informs 2016 Annual Meeting.
Wang, W., & Xu, Q. (2016). Seasonal product pricing under rfid application environment, presented at 6th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, ISS.
Wang, W., Yuan Y., & Archer, N. (2004). A theoretical framework for combating identity theft, presented at ID Theft and Management Workshop on the 14th Annual IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Conference.
Xu Q., Wang W., & Li, L. (2013). Combination forecasting error correction modeling and application in CPFR coordination, presented at Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science.
Xu Q., & Wang, W. Two-stage apparel supply chain joint contract with buy back and flexible pricing, presented at 2013 POMS Annual Conference.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Tang, B., & Wang, W. (1999). Modern Fuzzy Management Mathematics, Shanghai: China Textile University Press.
Tang, B., Lu, L., & Wang, W. (2002). Fuzzy Control Theory and Application, Beijing: Qinghua University Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2019-2022 Crowdsourcing logistics incentive mechanism and pricing tactics under social supply and demand parties rational behaviors, National Natural Science Foundation of China (no.71872038), Principal
2017-2020 Internet+crowdsourcing logistics coordinated operations tactics research, Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science Project (no.17YJA630099), Principal
2012-2015 Inventory coordination control for seasonal product based on RFID technology(no.12ZR1400900), Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, Principal
2012-2015 Dual channel supply chain coordination tactics for short-life cycle product under internet environment (no.71172174), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Co-researcher (no. 2nd).
Undergraduate: Operations Management, Technology Basis of Electronic Commerce
Graduate: Management Control System, Operations Management
Academic and Social Posts
Reviewer for journals Chinese Journal of management science, Operations research and management science and et al.
Academic Association Memberships
China information economics society, Member of board