Sufen Wang
Office: Xuri Building 705
Email: sf_wang@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: customer relationship management
2008 Dong Hua University, PhD.
1995 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, M.A.
1985 Jiang Nan University, B.S.
Honors and Awards
2015 Top Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Donghua University: Research of the cultivating mode for innovative, inter-disciplinary students majoring in Information Management and information system.
2015 Top Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Donghua University: Research of the cultivating mode for innovative, inter-disciplinary students majoring in Information Management and information system.
2014 Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award: Further Construction on the course of Introduction to Decision-making Supportive System for optimizing knowledge and practice.
2014 Award of Excellent Project by China Securities Industry Association for “A Study on experience of foreign country in License Management of Securities Institutions and License Management System in China.”(joint leader )
2014 Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award: Further Construction on the course of Introduction to Decision-making Supportive System for optimizing knowledge and practice.
2014 Award of Excellent Project by China Securities Industry Association for “A Study on experience of foreign country in License Management of Securities Institutions and License Management System in China” .
2013 Top Prize of Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award: National Top-quality Course Construction of Decision-making Supportive System.
2013 Top Prize of Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award: National Top-quality Course Construction of Decision-making Supportive System.
2012 Enlisted as National Video Course Construction Project and accessible to the public in October
2012 enlisted as National Video Course Construction Project and accessible to the public in October
2008 Third Prize of Annual Scientific Research Achievement by China Securities Industry Association for “A Research on the inertance and upset effect of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets Based on the model of Investors’ Mentality”
Journal Papers
Wang, S., Lan, Z., & Zhang, K. (2013). Research on bi-directional value co-creation network between producer service provider and textile & apparel manufacturer. Journal of Dong Hua University, 39(5): 682-688,694.
Wang, S., Cang, P., Feng, J., & Pan ,C. (2010). Exploring deep analysis method for ‘click-stream’ information from the perspective of the flow of bidrectinal value of customer relations based on Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory. Journal of Donghua University, 27(3): 321-329.
Wang, S., Feng, J., & Liu, C. (2008). A hermeneutic approach to the process of information realizing in the context of IS. Wseas Transactions on Business and Economics, 5: 94-102.
Wang, S., Ping, C., & Yu, L. (2008). The essence of information in the field of information systems: A comparative analysis. Journal of Information, 4: 55-57.
Feng, J., & Wang, S. (2008). Constructing a data schema from an information flow model. Wseas Transactions on Information Science & Applications, 5: 1292-1301.
Pan, C., & Wang, S. (2007). An analysis of value streams in two directions in customer relationship management. Industrial Engineering Journal, 10(5): 34-39.
Wang, S., Yang, B., W., & Feng, J. (2006). Representation of isomeric knowledge on management decision problem based on description logics. Control and Decision, 21(4): 462-465.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Wang, S., &Feng, J. (2007). A Framework for Analyzing the ‘Information Bearing Capability of an Information System, presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
Zhang, Z., &Wang, S. A framework model study for ontology-driven ETL processes, presented at the 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing.
Cang, P., & Wang, S. A pilot study of meaning of information in information systems based on Heidegger's work on 'being', presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd wseas International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications.
Wang, S., & Cang, P. Preliminary Exploration on Different Concepts of Knowledge Based on the Meaning of Information, presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd wseas International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications.
Wang, S., Hu, X., & Feng, J. (2009). An analysis of the process of information realization in information systems based on hermeneutics and semiotics. information systems in the changing era: theory and practice, presented at the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations.
Wang, S., Quan, B., & Fei, Z. (2013). Research on Digital Environment of Multifirm Network Based on Bi-Directional Relation Value Co-Creation, presented at the International Conference on Management and Information Technology.
Wang, S., Wang, L., & Du, M. (2013). The Development of Measurement Scales about Pertinence of Information Technology Application in Classroom Teaching of Management Courses in Colleges and Universities, presented at the International Conference on Management and Information Technology.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Wang, S. (2009). The Analysis and Modeling of the Process of Information Realization in Information Systems based on Hermeneutics and Channel Theory, Zhejiang University Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
2009-2013 A relevance study of the application of it to classroom teaching based on an analysis of courses of management in universities, Shanghai Education Council, Principle.
2009-2013 A study on the mechanics of competitiveness of digital –oriented Service Zone for textile and clothing industry, Shanghai Education Council, Principle.
2013-2015 A study on the cultivating model of innovation and practice for majors in information management and information system, Shanghai Education Council, Principle.
2014.03-09 A study on experience of license management of securities institutions abroad and license management system in China, China Securities Industry Association, Participant.
2014.02-09 A research & analysis of the application of big data to medical institutes, Shanghai Xinzhi Software Co. Ltd, Principle.
2014.12-2015.09 Strategies of development for the listed companies in shanghai Zhangjiang hi-tech zone, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech District Management Committee, Principle.
2015.03-2015.09 A study on cross-border business in free trade zone, China Securities Industry Association, Participant.
2015.12-2016.09 A statistic report on the listed companies in shanghai Zhangjiang hi-tech zone, Shangjiang Hi-Tech District Management Committee, Principle.
Since 2016 Statistic report on the listed companies in shanghai Zhangjiang hi-tech zone, Shangjiang Hi-Tech District Management Committee, Principle.
Since 2016 The impact of a tech-supported learning environment on learning effectiveness based on an analysis of M-learning, Shanghai Education Commission, Principle.