Lei Wang
Office: Glorious Sun building 405
Email: wanglei7296@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: International Business, Strategy and Innovation
Professor Lei Wang is a Professor of Management at the Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University. He is a Professor of Knowledge Management at the Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University, Shanghai, China. His researches focus on the theoretical and practical insights of various aspects of foreign direct investment and multinational enterprises into and from emerging countries, and the operations and governance of global value chain and global supply chain. Professor Wang has published more than ten English-language papers in internationally authoritative academic journals including Journal of Operations Management (UTD24), Journal of International Management, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, and R&D Management, etc. In China, Professor Wang has published more than sixty Chinese papers in Nankai Economic Studies, Chinese Journal of Management, Science Research Management, and other nationally reputable journals. He has been the principal researcher in nearly 15 major research projects respectively funded or sponsored by the National Nature Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Fund of China, and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Professor Wang is also the invited peer reviewer for Research Policy, Journal of world business, Journal of business research, The World Econom, and other highly reputable academic journals in the field of international business and innovation management. Professor Lei Wang holds a Ph.D. in Regional Economics from the Economics School of the University of Sichuan, China.
2002.09-2005.05,PhD in Economics, School of Economics, Sichuan University
Work Experience
since 2013.9 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Professor
2007.09-2013.08 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2006.03-2007.08 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, lecturer
1 PI and chief investigator
1.2023-2025. WANG,L.- Ministry of Education of China, Social Science Project. Project title: A Study on the Influence of Negative Opinion Bias of Host Countries on the Organizational Reputation of MENs and Its Remediation Mechanism.
2.2021-2022. WANG,L.- Shanghai Philosophy Social Science Project, Project title: Research on accelerating the advanced manufacturing industry to occupy the high-end position of the international innovation chain.
3.2021-2022. WANG,L.-The Soft Science Project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (No. 21692105200), Project title: Mechanism of reverse cross-border M & A to enhance the global innovation chain potential of high-end manufacturing industry in Shanghai.
4.2016-2019. WANG,L.- National Natural Science Foundation of China(No,71572032), Project title: A study of knowledge acquisition model and reverse transfer effectiveness in technology-seeking OFDI firms.
5.2016-2019. WANG,L.- The Soft Science Project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (19692107100), Project title: Improving the innovation ability of manufacturing industry in Shanghai by overseas R & D .
6.2010-2012. WANG,L.- National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science(China), National Foundation of Social Science (10CJG2010), Project title: Innovation Mode of Textile industry cluster under GVC.
7.2016-2018, WANG,L.- Shanghai Pujiang Program (16PJC003), Research on the mechanism, path and evaluation model of overseas knowledge acquisition of technology seeking FDI enterprises.
8.2014-2016 WANG,L.- Ministry of Science and Technology of China,National Soft Science Project, Chief Investigator and Project Leader, Project title: Dual embeddedness innovation mode of manufacturing industry cluster.
9.2014-2016 WANG,L.- Dong hua University,Donghua University Distinguished Young Professor Program (B201315). Project title:. Spatial Organization mode of Textile industry cluster
10.2014-2016 WANG,L.- Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science(No,2014S5D202), Shanghai Philosophy Social Science Project. Project title: The research of reverse knowledge transfer of outword foreign direct investment
11.2010-2011 WANG,L.- Ministry of Science and Technology of China,National Soft Science Project. Project. title:Mode and Performance of Industry Cluster Dominated by FDI.
12.2007-2009 WANG,L.- Ministry of Education of China, Social Science Project. Project title: The Technology Upgradation of Industry Cluster in Yangtze Rever Delta
13.2008-2010 WANG,L.- Shanghai Education commission, Science and Research Social Science Project(Key program). Project title: The innovation mechinism of industry cluster in GVC.
14.2005-2006 WANG,L.- Chongqing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Chongqing Philosophy Social Science Project. Project title: The development of industry cluster and regional economy
15.2005-2006 WANG,L.- Chongqing Telecommunication and Information Industry Bureau, Chongqing Telecommunication and Information Industry Soft Science Project. Project title: The research of Chongqing’s Telecommunication and Information Industry clusters
1.Wang,L.-Innovation mode of Textile Industry in Global Value Chain. Enterprise. Management Press, Beijing:+228 pp.(2014)
2.Wang,L.-Innovation mode of Industry Cluster Dominated by Foreign Enterprises. Far East Press,Shanghai:+232 pp.(2013)
3.Zeng,D., Wang, L.- The theoretical basis and frontier issues of Industry Economics. The Economic Daily Press, Beijing:+241 pp.(2004).
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
1.Wang, L﹡Zhang, C., Narayanan, S. (2023). The Bright Side of Trust-less Relationships: A Dyadic Investigation of the Role of Trust Congruence on Supplier Knowledge Acquisition Across Borders. Journal of Operations Management (UTD24, SSCI, A; 2021IF: 13.03). Forthcoming.
2.Xu, Q.Q., Wang, L﹡. Huo, D., Zhu, Y. (2022). Pursuing opportunities in distance: the determinants of overseas R&D by Chinese multinationals. R&D Management (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 5.96), In press.
3.Wang, L., Li, J﹡., Wang, S. (2021). Rivalling firms’ absorptive capacity congruence in coopetition relationships: the reciprocal effects on firms’ innovation performance. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (SSCI). In press
4.Zhu, Y., Li, J., Wang, L﹡., Xu, Q. (2021). Chinese parent firm’s knowledge types and governance modes’ effect on overseas subsidiaries’ performance: a contingency perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (SSCI), 37(6).
5.Bouichou, S.I., Wang, L. & Feroz, H.M.B. (2021). How corporate social responsibility perceptions affect employees’ positive behavior in the hospitality industry: moderating role of responsible leadership. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (SSCI), In press.
6.Wang, L., Zhang, C., Huo, D﹡., Li, J., Fan, X. (2020). The influence of unilateral supplier transaction-specific investments on international buyer opportunism: Empirical findings from local suppliers in China. International marketing reivew (SSCI, A; 2018IF: 3.447), 37 (2), 213-239.
7.Xu, Q.Q., Wang, L﹡. (2019). The Effect of OFDI Intensity on TFP: The Moderating Role of R&D. Transformations in Business & Economics, (SSCI, B), 18 (3C), 381-393.
8.Wang, L﹡., Jiang, F., Li, J. Motohashi, K.Zheng, X. (2019). The Contingent Effects of Asset Specificity, Contract Specificity, and Trust on Offshore Relationship Performance. Journal of business research (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 7.55), 99(3), 338-349.
9.Wang, L﹡., Zhang, C., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2019). Matching governance mechanisms with transaction-specific investment types and supplier roles: An empirical study of cross-border outsourcing relationships. International Business Review (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 5.91), 28(2), 316-327.
10.Wang, L., Huo, D﹡., Motohashi, K. (2019). Coordination Mechanisms and Overseas Knowledge Acquisition for Chinese Suppliers: The Contingent Impact of Production Mode and Contractual Governance. Journal of International Management (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 4.65), 25(2), 1-19.
11.Wang, S., Wang, L﹡. (2018). Study on the Export Effect of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment—An Empirical Research Based on Investment Intensity and Investment Breadth. Transformation in Business and Economics (SSCI, B), 16(3C), 379-396.
12.Wang, L., Li, J﹡., Huang, S. (2018). The asymmetric effects of local and global network ties on firm’s innovation performance. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 2.961), 33(3), 377-389.
13.Wang, L﹡., Li, J. (2017). The antecedents and innovation outcomes of firms’ absorptive capacity in global buyer-supplier relationships. Journal of Technology Transfer (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 5.78). 42(6), 1407-1430.
14.Wang, L﹡., Terziovski, M., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2017). The effect of social capital on local suppliers’ exploitative and exploratory learning in global buyer–supplier relationships: the moderating role of contract specificity. R&D Management (SSCI, A; 2020IF: 2.91), 47(4), 654-668.
Honors and Awards
1.2004 Guangxi provincial government outstanding social sciences achievement award
2.2006 Chongqing provincial government outstanding social sciences achievement award
3.2009 Selected as the R&D elite to take part in Shanghai higher education institutions top-rank research training program
4.2010 Congress of Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Society, Young Scholars outstanding award
5.2010 China Textile Economic Excellence Paper Award
6.2011 China Textile Economic Excellence Paper Award
7.2016 Shanghai Pujiang Talents
1.Chinese economics society
2.Chinese regional economics society
3.Shanghai economics society
4.Chinese Science and Technology Policy Research Association
Journal Referee
1.Research Policy (SSCI)
2.Journal of World Business (SSCI)
3.Journal of Business Research (SSCI)
4.Industrial Markeing Review (SSCI)
5.Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI)
6.Knowledge Management Research & Practice (SSCI)
7.Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI)
8.The world economy (SSCI)
9.Nankai management review (Chinese)
10.China management science (Chinese)
11.Chinese Journal of Management (Chinese)
12.Journal of Donghua University (Chinese)