Hong Wang
Office: Xuri Building 407
Email: wh9025@163.com
Research interests: Technological Economics
Porf. Wang was born in Qing’an, Heilongjiang province in 1971. She is the professor of The Department of International Economy and Trade of Glorious Sun School of Business and Management. She received her doctoral degree from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Wang is a member of a council of Chinese Industrial Economic Association and Chinese Commercial Economic Association. She is a member of Shanghai Economist Association and Shanghai Management Association. Wang is the vice-minister of Integrated Department of The Government Procurement Center of Shanghai Municipality (take a temporary post).
2006 The School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Ph.D.
2002 The School of Philosophy and Public Administration, Heilongjiang university, M.A.
1994 Department of Political Education, Harbin Normal University, B.S.
Journal Papers
Wang, H., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Study on impact mechanism of business lobbying to government technology procurement policy, R & D Management.
Wang, H. (2012). Study on the impact of government technology procurement based on the industry life cycle theory, Economic Review.
Wang, H. (2012). Study on the impact of the quality of supplier relationship to government procurement performance, Social Science.
Wang, H.& Jiang F. (2011). The empirical study of government procurement and economic growth, Journal of Soochow University (philosophy & social science edition).
Wang, H. (2011). Study on the promotion of American government technology procurement to the development of strategic emerging industries, commercial research, Innovative Policy and Management, 99-103.
Wang, H. (2010). The cause, action and question of government technology procurement, Exploration and Free Views, 60-62.
Wang, H. (2010). Study on the contribution of capital construction investments to the increase of Chinese GDP, Seeking Truth.
Wang, H. (2007). Study on the game of the systematic optimization of government procurement supervision, Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Wang, H. (2011). Evaluation of public policy for innovation, 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government. (EI)
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Wang, H. (2011). Study on the Property-Rights Economics of Government Procurement, Enterprise Management Publishing.
Teaching and Research Projects
2011 Study on decision and evaluation model of government technology procurement under innovative public policy, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Principal.
2004 Study on property-rights economics of government procurement, The Youth Project of Philosophical and Social Science Program of Shanghai, Principal.
2006 The case study on strategic goods of government procurement which possess the proprietary intellectual property rights, The Key Project of Soft Science of Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, Principal.
2006 Study on the mechanism and performance of government procurement which promote the scientific and technological innovation, The Planned Project of Philosophical and Social Science Program of Shanghai, Principal
2008 The development, assessment and project design of adjustment mechanism on innovative public policy, A case study of the policy of government procurement, The Key Project of Soft Science of Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, Principal.
2010 Study on the mechanism and implement approach of government technology procurement, The Planned Project of Philosophical and Social Science Program of Shanghai, Principal
2011 Study on the mechanism and implement approach of government technology procurement policy based on the improvement of national innovation ability, The Planned issue of humanistic and social science of Ministry of Education, Principal
Provide the train, counsel and programme service for the the Government Procurement Center of Shanghai Municipality, Malu town of Jiading district of shanghai, Shanggang street of Pudong new area and other local government agencies.