Dongsheng Liu
Office: Room 613, Glorious Sun School Building
Email: liuds@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: The theory of Marketing Management
Associate Prof. Dongsheng Liu is the Master’s supervisor of Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University. Prof. Liu is currently a member of China Marketing Association. He has been long engaged in the study and research of business management and marketing, participated and dominated several research projects. He has a wealth of experience of MBA teaching and high-level management training. At the same time, he has close working relationship with domestic & oversea consulting companies and other enterprises including fashion, cars, clothing, luxury and modern service. It is worth mentioning that he has repeatedly won “The most popular MBA teacher” and “The good teacher in my mind” in Donghua University.
1987-1989 Public Administration, East China normal University, M.A.
1983-1987 Public Administration, East China normal University, B.S.
Work Experience
Since 2003.09 the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Head of department, Associate Professor, Master Instructor.
1983.07-2003.09 Donghua University Wuxi campus, Teacher, Associate Professor.
Academic Experience
2006.01-2006.02 Lingnan University, Visiting Associate Professor.
Honors and Awards
2013 the honor of "My idea of a good teacher".
2009 the third prize of Shanghai excellent teaching achievements
1999 the second prize of China textile university’s excellent teaching achievement and the first prize of Chinese textile association’s excellent teaching achievement
Journal Papers
Liu, D., & Huang, Z. (2017). The construction of brand value two-dimensional matrix model: based on market assets. Journal of Commercial Economics, 2095-9397.
Liu, D. & Zhou, L. (2016). Empirical study on entrepreneur personal brand, brand equity and brand revenue: based on Chinese listed companies. Scientific Decision Making, 1006-4885.
Liu, D., & Liu, L. (2016). Research on the elements of enterprise’s brand equity: based on employer brand and investor brand. Enterprise Economy, 1006-5024.
Liu, D. (2013). Grasp the service lifecycle. Sales and market (management), 79-81.
Liu, D., & Ma, X. (2012). The influence research of brand equity on the profitability of listed companies. Commercial age, 7:93-94.
Liu, D., & Li, L. (2010). The research about shopping center image dimensions’s influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The Chinese market, 45:122-123.
Liu, D., & Ma, X. (2011). The influence study of brand equity on profit level of listed companies. Enterprise vitality, 11:17-22.
Liu, D., & Zhang, Y. (2011). The research of online shopping customer satisfaction influence factors for Taobao. Chinese Market, 23:100-103+107.
Liu, D., & Wang, W. (2011). The research of the relationship between company’s green competitiveness and textile clothing enterprise benefit. Chinese Market, 23:63-67.
Liu, D., & Wang, Y. (2011). The risk of the loss in grass-roots public hospitals evade technical personnel under psychological contract view. Human resource management, 12:107-107.
Liu, D., & Sun, Y. (2010). The influence factors research of consumer confidence after product harm crisis. Chinese market, 48:72-74.
Liu, D., & Yang, Z. (2010). Wallet share research: review and ideas. Journal of Shijiazhuang institute of economic, 4:77-81.
Liu, D. & Yang, Z. (2010). The evaluation and countermeasure of China’s trademark regulation performance based on the research of grey correlation analysis. Journal of Tianjin institute of administrative, 5:79-84.
Teaching and Research Projects
2017 The census of retail market for "Forevermark" in cities and stores.
2017 The market research for domestic luggage and bag: retail shop inspection and interview.
2016 The survey about service level in summer vacation.
2016 The national diamond & jewelry census for "Forevermark".
2016 The Pandora jewelry retail management handbook.
2015 The market research for "Forevermark".
2015 The national diamond & jewelry study for "Forevermark".
2015 The survey about service level in summer vacation.
2014 The national diamond & jewelry study for "Forevermark".
2014 The brand building (product marketing) and training project for LuoLai group r&d center.
2014 The national diamond & jewelry market and retail environment research for "Forevermark".
2013 The market survey for Jeanswest in Shanghai.
2013 "Design Putuo" plan, ( Putuo district of Shanghai).
2013 The strategy planning for M50.
2013 The survey about service level in summer vacation.
2013 The market research for domestic sun glasses: retailers and shop.
2013 The development strategy for Jincheng (Shanxi) silk& flax industry.
2012 The national diamond & jewelry market research for "Forevermark".
2012 The national market survey for Jeanswest.
2012 The market survey for Jeanswest in Shanghai.
2012 The research about join a clothing brand.
2012 The survey about service level in summer vacation.
2012 The market and CRM research for BMW.
2011 The national market survey for Jeanswest.
2011 The project management for Donghua University- LuoLai r&d center.
2011 The market survey for Jeanswest in Shanghai.
2011 The service level survey for Jeanswest.
2011 The market research for BMW.
2010 The national market survey for Jeanswest.
Market survey.
2010 The service level survey for Jeanswest.
2009 The service level survey for BMW 4S shop.
2009 The market research for Benetton.
2009 The national market survey for Jeanswest.
2009 Market survey.
2009 The customer study of marketing plan for Yadong.
2009 The service level survey for Jeanswest.
2008 The national market survey for Jeanswest.
2008 Market survey.
2008 The service level survey for Jeanswest.
2008 The application status survey for quality testing equipment in spinning industry.
2008 The market research for twisting textile.
2008 Market survey.
2007 The service level survey for Jeanswest.
2007 The management research for Huayu group.
2005 The research of salary distribution and develop trend for China’s higher school teacher. ( Ministry of education).
Undergraduate: Marketing, Brand Management.
Graduate: Marketing, Marketing Management, Branding and Advertising