Jihong Jin
Office: Xuri Building 628
Email: jh_jin@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: Regional input-output analysis
Jihong Jin was the Associate Professor of Institute of Economic and Resource Management, Beijing Normal University from 2004 to 2008. She received a postdoctoral project from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and was a visiting researcher of Department of International Social Science Research, Yokohama National University from 2008 to 2010. She is currently the Associate Professor of Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University since 2010. She has presided over or participated in the Fund Project of Humanities and Social Science Planning of Ministry of Education, the Program for Shanghai Pujiang talents, key project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission of scientific research and innovation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Korea Industry Research Institute Fund, key project of National Social Science Foundation of China and project commissioned by the Ministry. She has published more than 30 academic journal papers in core journals, both home and abroad, as well as at academic seminars.
2004 Economics, Department of International Social Science Research, Yokohama National University, Ph.D.
1999 Economics, Department of Economics, Yokohama National University, M.A.
1990 Archives, Department of History, Jilin Technology University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2010.10 the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor.
2008.09-2010.09 Yokohama National University, Post-doctoral
2004.11-2010.09 Institute of Economic and Resource Management, Beijing Normal University, Associate Professor.
Journal Papers
Jin, J. & Steffens, M. (2015). Factors analysis of the electronics trade imbalance between the US and China. International Journal of Marketing Studies, (6): 172-177.
Jin, J., & Mao, X. (2013). Analysis on the conjugation factors of industrial growth and energy efficiency change in China. China Population, Resources and Environment, (5): 52-57.
Jin, J., & Hasebe, Y. (2012). Factor analysis of industry growth and energy consumption in China. Economia, 63(2): 18-26.
Jin, J. (2007). The relationship between economic structure change and carbon dioxide emission in Korea and its enlightenment. Statistical Research, (2): 60-65.
Zhang, Q. & Jin, J. (2007). An empirical analysis of the relationship between land use and economic development in Japan and Korea and its implications. Resources Science, (2): 149-155.
Jin, J. (2007). China-Japanese industry interdependence. Contemporary Economy of Japan, (2):15-19.
Jin, J., & Hasebe, Y. (2006). Factor analysis of Chinese economic structural change. Economia, (2):19-28.
Jin, J. (2005). Interdependence relationship between Korea-Japan industry. Economia, (2):39-50.
Jin, J. (2004). Comparison of Korea-Japan carbon dioxide emission structure. Input-Output Analysis, (1): 44-53.
Jin, J. (2003). Structural change of the Korean economy and environmental impact. Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences, (2): 69-82.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Jin, J. (2015). CO2 emissions embodied responsibility distribution in the China-Japan trade, presented at Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies The 26nd Conference, Meiji University.
Jin, J. (2015). CO2 emissions embodied in the international trade between China and Japan, presented at Korea-China-Japan IO Association Joint Seminal, Yonsei University.
Jin, J. (2014) Factor analysis of the economic structure change in China-analysis on linked I-O tables, presented at Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies The 25nd Conference, Okayama University.
Jin, J. (2011). Industrial structural change and energy consumption in China, presented at Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies The 22nd Conference, Keio University.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Jin, J. (2016). Input - Output Analysis and Application of General Equilibrium of China’s Economy, Japan Legal Culture Society Publisher.
Jin J, (2015). A Comparative Analysis of the Development and Application of Input - Output Table of China, Japan and Korea, KEET Korea Institute of Industry Publishers.
Jin, J. (2008). Report on Development of China’s Market Economy, Beijing Normal University Publisher.
Jin, J. (2007). Urban Economics, Deputy Editor, The Economic Daily Press.
Jin, J. (2005). Report on Development of China’s Market Economy, China Business Publishing House.
Teaching and Research Projects
2014-2017 Quantitative study on embodied carbon and emission reduction responsibility sharing in trade based on international industrial division, The Fund Project of Humanities and Social Science Planning of Ministry of Education, Principal.
2011-2013 Empirical study on the international division of labor between china and japan and carbon emission, key project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission of scientific research and innovation, Principal
2011 An empirical study on china's economic growth model and energy consumption and carbon emission, Central University Free Exploration Program, Principal
2010 China's economic structure change and carbon dioxide emission –an analysis of China - Japan international division of labor, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Principal.
2006-2008 Study on income distribution gap among residents in China, Key Project of National Social Science Foundation of China, Principal.
2006 Industry interdependence among China, Beijing Normal University Youth Fund, Japan and South Korea.