Tao Dai
Office: Xuri Building 528
Email: t.dai@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: Service operation management, Simulation
Dr. Tao Dai is currently a professor in the School of Management, Donghua University. He received his doctoral degree majored in management science and engineering at Tongji University in 2009.His research interests include Service operation management, Simulation and Optimization in logistics system. Dr. Dai has published over 20 journal papers, and presided over several scientific projects.
2004.09-2009.09 Management Science and Engineering, School of Management, Tongji University, Ph.D.
2000.09-2004.06 Engineering in Electricity Information, School of Information, Zhejiang University, B.S.
Work Experience
From 2024.09 The School of Management, Donghua University, Professor
2012.09-2024.8 The School of Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2009.09-2012.09 The School of Management, Donghua University, Assistant Professor
Academic Experience
2014.03-2015.03 UNC at Chapel Hill, Visiting Scholar
2007.10-2008.08 Mannheim University, Joint Programme
Honors and Awards
2018 Second prize for Youth Teaching Competition of Shanghai
Journal Papers
Dai, T., & Yang, L. (2020). Staff scheduling adjustment considering part-time agents. Service Science and Management, 9(1): 9.
Yu, T., & Dai, T. (2019). 2-layer queuing model for online customer service with variable service rates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Dai, T., & Li, J. (2015). Shift design in multi-skill call center considering flexible rest period. Computer Engineering and Application, (19): 226-230.
Dai, T., & Huo, J. (2008). A multi-skill call center performance evaluation method based on markov chain. System Engineering, 2: 99-103.
Dai, T., & Zhan, X. (2017). Research on the influence of agent response time of online shopping platform on inquiry conversion rat. Shanghai Management Science, 39(06): 56-59.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Dai, T., Yu T., & Zhan, X. (2019). Decision strategy of single server online customer service with variable service rates, presented at Proceedings of International Conference of Industrial Engineering and System Management.
Dai, T., Yu, T., & Zhao, X. (2019). Decision strategy of single server online customer service with variable service rates, presented at Proceedings of International Conference of Industrial Engineering and System Management.
Dai, T., & Li, J. (2015). Staff scheduling in call center considering global service quality, presented at 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management.
Dai, T., & Li, J. (2012). A simple method on staff scheduling in multi-skill call center, presented at 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management.
Teaching and Research Projects
2019-2022 Operation optimization of changeable service rate multi-skill online service center, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal.
2013-2015 Decision optimization of service system under energy demand-taking call center as an example, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal.
Undergraduate: Transportation and Distribution Management, Service Operation Management
Graduate: Logistics Management, Operation Management
Academic and Social Posts
Reviewer for journals System Management, Industrial Engineering
Academic Association Memberships
Logistics Society of China, Member