Lingyun Chen
Office: Xuri Building 605
Email: cly@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: Enterprise Innovation, Accounting Standards
Dr. Lingyun Chen joined Glorious Sun School of Management, Donghua University in spring 2012. She is currently an associate professor in the School of Management, Donghua University, received his doctoral degree majored in Accounting at Xiamen University in 2006.
2003.09-2006.07 Accounting, School of Management, Xiamen University, Ph.D.
2000.09-2003.03 Accounting, School of Management, Fuzhou University, M.A.
1996.09-2000.07 Investment Economics, School of Management, Fuzhou University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2012.12 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor
2010.10-2012.02 The School of Business, Beijing Technology and Business University, Associate Professor
2006.07-2010.09 The School of Accounting, Beijing Technology and Business University, Assistant Professor
Academic Experience
2011.12-2012.07 School of Business, Ohio University, Visiting Scholar
Journal Papers
Chen L., Li, X., & Gao, Z. (2016). A study on relationship between secondary innovation and innovation performance from an open innovation perspective, Soft Science, (7): 5-13.
Chen L., Yuan, L., & He, Y. (2013). Risk management under centralized control of funds:A case study on large and medium-sized enterprise groups, Accounting and Economics Research, (2): 40-49.
Chen L., Pan, D. & Ji, D. (2011). Market process, government intervention and enterprises’ external guarantee. journal of Beijing technology and business university, (3): 39-45.
Chen L. (2011). Theory establishment and practice study of listed companies’ social responsibility audit. Journal of Audit & Economics.
Chen L., & Wei, J. (2010). Independence and organize pattern of internal auditing in the listed companies. Friends of Accounting, (10): 97-99.
Chen L., & Li, Y. (2010). Research on internal control assessment: an analysis based on game of managers and auditors. Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, (1): 27-33.
Chen L., &Yang, Y. (2009). Research on internal control self-assessment of public listed companies in Shanghai stock exchange in 2007: Data analysis and policy implication. Accounting Research, (6): 58-64.
Chen L. (2009). Research on information content of complementary and correcting bulletins for annals. Journal of Xiangtan University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (5): 93-99.
Chen L. (2009). The impact of ERP on the reforming of management accounting. Finance and Accounting Monthly, (4): 13-14.
Chen L. & Li, T. (2008). True sale versus assure financing. Friends of Accounting, (5): 46-48.
Chen L., & Li, T. (2006). Opportunism or conservation: Evidence from auditor dismissals. Finance and Trade Research, (5): 131-139.
Chen L., & Li, B. (2006). Research on effectiveness of audit committees in Chinese listed companies: Evidence from patches on annual reports. Securities Market Herald, 3): 121-127.
Teaching and Research Projects
2014-2018 Research on the motivations and consequences of changing the credit rating agency and bond credit rating, National Social Science Foundation of China, Principal.
2016-2018 Research on Implementation Effect of Fair Value Standard under Macro Prudential Regulation, Central University Foundation Project, Principal.
2012-2015 Financial Derivative Regulation and Accounting Standards Reformation: Base on Macro Prudential Policy, National Social Science Foundation of Beijing, Principal.
Undergraduate: Advanced Financial Accounting, Accounting
Graduate: Corporate Financial Management
Academic and Social Posts
Reviewer for journals of DHU, BTBU, XTU, and et al.
Academic Association Memberships
Accounting Society of China (ASC), Member