Haifeng Gu
Office: Xuri Building 404
Email: guhaifeng@dhu.edu.cn
research interests: Bank Credit-loan and risk Management
Prof. Haifeng Gu is employed in Finance Department of Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University. He received his doctoral degree from Central South University in 2006 majoring in Finance. His research interests include bank credit-loan management, financial engineering and risk management, and Corporate Finance and Capital Markets. In recent years, he has published academic journal papers mainly in Economic Research Journal, China Economics Quarterly, China Industrial Economics, The Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, China Soft Science, Studies of International Finance, Finance and Trade Economics, Modern Economic Science and other important journals. In which, he has published more than 200 journal papers, in which, more than 90 CSSCI-indexed journal papers, also including 3 SCI/SSCI-indexed meeting papers. Moreover, he has published 22 words monographs in finance. Moreover, he has presided the National Social Science Foundation (NSSF) project, the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Foundation project, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project and other research projects more than 20, and he is principal undertaker of three National Social Science Foundation (NSSF) projects and one National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) project. He has obtained all kinds of research awards more than 40. Moreover, he has acted as an expert in a number of important academic journals.
2009 Finance School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Post doctor.
2006 Business School, Central South University, Ph.D.
2001 Department of Applied Mathematics, Guangxi University, M.A.
1993 Department of Mathematics, Suzhou University, B.S.
Work Experience
since 2009.09 Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Associate Professor, Associate PhD supervisor.
2004.09-2009.08 Department of Securities Research, Hunan Gold-Trust Investment Company.
2002.09-2004.08 Training Center, China National Packaging Corporation.
2001.09-2002.08 Department of Investment, Suzhou Investment Corporation.
1993.09-1998.08 Taicang Liujiagang Middle School, Teacher.
Honors and Awards
“Study on Fastening Development of China Rural Finance Febric System” won the excellent-class prize issued by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science.
“Study on Mechanism and Channels to Credit Risk Partaking between Commercial Bank and Guarantee Agency” won the second-class prize of China Post Doctorial Finance Research, issued by Communication Bank of China.
“Study on System and Policy to Finance Supporting Strategic Emerging Industry to Cultivation” won the special-class prize of National Humanities and Social Science Research, issued by China Research Institution of Management Science.
“Study on Restructuring Pricing Mechanism to Small-Medium Enterprises’ Finance Guarantee Fee-Rate behind Finance Crisis” won the second-class prize of China Credit Construction Research, issued by Beijing University.
“Study on Institutional Finance Reformation and China Credit Guarantee System of Small-Medium Enterprises” won the excellent-class prize of China Individual Economics Development Forum, issued by China Democratic National Construction Association.
“Study on Fastening Reformation of China Rural Finance Regime” won the second-class prize of Hunan Province ninth Science Research, issued by Hunan Province people’s Government.
“Study on Formation Reason and Solution channels to Credit-Loan Rationing of China Monetary Market under Information Economics Perspective” won the excellent-class prize of China Post Doctorial Economics Forum, issued by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Association.
“Study on Credit Guarantee and Its Price Character during Finance Trading” won the second-class prize of WTO and China International Economics Forum, issued by China Science Institution.
“Study on Reformation Mechanism to Credit Guarantee Fee Pricing under Financial Option Perspective” won the second-class prize of Reformation Research of China Securities Association, issued by China Securities Association.
“Study on Restructuring to Development Channels of China Finance Guarantee System of Small-Medium Enterprises under Finance Crisis Background” won the excellent-class prize of Shanghai Eighth Science Yearly Conference, issued by Shanghai Science Association.
“Information Asymmetry, Credit-Loan Rationing and Bank Credit Risk Transmission: Based on Cooperation between Bank and Guarantee” won the first-class prize of China Corporation Finance Forum, issued by Jinan University.
“Study on Formation and Controlling to Objective Credit Risk of Commercial Bank under Cooperation between Bank and Guarantee: Based on Theory Perspective of Anti-Selection” won the excellent-class prize of China Seventh Lixin Risk Management Forum, issued by China Lixin Institution of Risk Management.
“Credit Rationing, Cooperation between Bank and Guarantee and Bank Credit Efficiency Improvement: Based on Perspective of Credit Utility Entropy” won the first-class prize of Shandong Science Forum, issued by Shanghai Science Association.
“Empirical Research and Measurement Model to Credit Risk of Commercial Bank under Credit Mutation Status: Based on Entropy-weight and Matter-element Extension” won the excellent-class prize of China Eighth Lixin Risk Management Forum, issued by China Lixin Institution of Risk Management.
“Study on Structuring to China Modern Rural Finance Fabric System under Function Perspective” won the first-class prize of National Humanities and Social Science Research, issued by China Research Institution of Management Science.
Journal Papers
Gu, H., & Zhang, R. (2017). Company stock price evolution and layering effect: Theory model and empirical evidence. Financial Economics Research.
Gu, H. (2017). Affordable housing system and optimal credit environment: Based on demand-deriving and supply-boosting. China Soft Science.
Gu, H., & Zhou, Y. (2016). Study on boosting effect on monetary policy environment to heterogeneity of company stock price: Based on two elements ownership structure. China Industrial Economics.
Gu, H., & Cheng, L. (2016). Study on credit risk monitoring of china reguarantee institution to cooperation guarantor: Model construction and empirical analysis. Research of Institutional Economics.
Gu, H, & Zheng, T. (2015). Empirical research on credit-loan efficiency appreciation system to Chinese commercial banks: Empirical evidences from 16 listed banks of bank industry. Accounting and Economics Research.
Gu, H., & Hu, J. (2015). Study on generation mechanism and measurement system to operation risk of Chinese commercial banks: empirical: Judy from 16 listed banks of bank industry. Research of Institutional Economics.
Gu, H., & Han, Y. (2015). Construction of affordable housing projects and finance supporting:theory and china reality: Based on two perspectives of endogenous growth and multiplier effect. Financial Regulation Research.
Gu, H. (2015). Cooperation between bank and guarantee, art insurance and bank credit risk transferring. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics.
Gu, H., & Liu, D. (2015). Study on empirical research on risk operation efficiency evaluation system to Chinese trust companies: Empirical evidences from 68 trust companies. Modern Economic Science.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Gu, H. (2011). Finance guarantee risk pricing model and method based on debt-extension channel, presented at the 5th Conference on China’s Economic Operation Risk Management.
Gu, H. (2010). Study on risk pricing of debt guarantee contract from finance option perspective, presented at the 4th Conference on China’s Economic Operation Risk Management.
Gu, H. (2008). Study on credit guarantee pricing based on multi-stage debt-delay finance contract, presented at M&D Forum, Sydney.
Chapters, Academic Books, and Textbooks
Gu, H. (2009). Study on Risk Pricing and Controlling to Small-Medium Enterprises Credit Guarantee. National University of Defense Technology Press.
Teaching and Research Projects
Study on credit risk of commercial bank generation, monitoring and prevention under cooperation mode of between bank and guarantee, National Social Science Foundation (NSSF), Principal.
Study on recognition and early-warming mechanism to credit risk of commercial bank based on channel to cooperation from bank and guarantee, The Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Foundation, Principal.
Study on credit risk recognizing, early-warming and controlling of commercial bank under new finance crisis background, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Principal.
Study on channel analysis of financial product innovation, China Securities Association Research, Principal.
Study on problem to investor education from China securities market, China Securities Association Research, Principal.
Study on organization restructing of rural finance support system during Hunan new rural construction, Hunan Province People Government Rural Development, Principal.
Study on optimal decision of commercial bank to student credit-loan based on game perspective, Hunan Province Enterprise Strategic Management and Investment Decision Research Base, Principal.
Study on bank credit-loan rationing and SMEs financial dilemma: internal mechanism and governance channel, Hunan Province Enterprise Strategic Management and Investment Decision Research Base, Principal.
Study on relativity of bank risk and economic capital integration, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Second Principal.
Study on developing and perfecting China rural finance system, National Social Science Foundation (NSSF), Second Principal.
Study on problem to informal finance development in construction of two oriented society, National Social Science Foundation (NSSF), Second Principal.
Study on cultivation mechanism to emerging strategic industries, National Social Science Foundation (NSSF), Second Principal.
Undergraduate: Credit Management, Company Finance.
Graduate: Securities Investment Analysis, Monetary Finance, Trust and Finance Lending, Credit Management.