序号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 发表刊物 | 发表年份 |
1 | 郑斐峰 | Two parallel identical machines scheduling to minimise the maximum inter-completion time | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
2 | 郑斐峰 | Heuristic algorithms for truck scheduling of crossdocking operations in cold-chain logistics | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
3 | 郑斐峰 | A green-oriented bi-objective disassembly line balancing problem with stochastic task processing times | Annals of Operations Research | 2020 |
4 | 郑斐峰 | A multi-objective distribution-free model and method for stochastic disassmbly line balancing problem | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
5 | 徐琪 | Pricing and replenishment decisions for seasnal and nonseasonal products in a shared supply chain | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
6 | 徐琪 | Ordering and inventory reallocation decision in a shared inventory platform with demand information sharing | Annals of Operations Research | 2020 |
7 | 李庆颖 | green product design with competition and fairness concerns in the circular economy era | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
8 | 王长军 | A distributionally robust optimization for blood supply network considering disasters | Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review | 2020 |
9 | 王雷 | The influence of unilateral supplier transaction-specific investments on international buyer opportunism: empirical findings from local suppliers in China | International Marketing Review | 2020 |
10 | 沈蕾 | Developing and leveraging platforms in a traditional industry: An orchestration and co-creation perspective | Industrial Marketing Management | 2020 |
11 | 沈滨 | Overstated product sustainability: real cases and a game-theoretical analysis | Annals of Operations Research | 2020 |
12 | 沈滨 | Quality management in outsourced global fashion supply chains: an exploratory case study | Production Planning & Control | 2020 |
13 | 沈滨 | Selling secondhand products through an online platform with blockchain | Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review | 2020 |
14 | 沈滨 | logistics and supply chain management in luxury industy | Transportation Research Part E | 2020 |
15 | 沈滨 | prodcut line design and quality differentitaion for green and non-green products in a supply chain | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
16 | 吴勇 | Managing information security outsourcing under a dynamic cooperation environment | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | 2020 |
17 | 吴勇 | A game-theoretical model of firm security reactions responding to a strategic hacker in a competitive industry | Journal of the operational research society | 2020 |
18 | 刘新 | Parallel machine scheduling with stochastic release times and processing times | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
19 | 刘新 | Service-oriented bi-objective robust collection-disassembly problem with equipment selection | International Journal of Production Research | 2020 |
20 | 冯云婷 | The market value of sustainable practices in the luxury industry: An identity mismatch and institutional theoretical perspective | Transportation Research Part E | 2020 |
21 | 周建亨 | 顾客忠诚对企业传递成本信号的影响研究 | 中国管理科学 | 2020 |
22 | 周建亨 | 基于可持续性消费的企业质量价格决策研究 | 中国管理科学 | 2020 |
23 | 周建亨 | 引入策略消费者遗憾心理的时尚产品定价策略 | 中国管理科学 | 2020 |
24 | 郑斐峰 | 考虑最小化最大完工时间间隔的三台平行机调度 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 2020 |
25 | 徐琪 | 全渠道零售下“Showrooms”对需求分布、定价和收益的影响研究 | 中国管理科学 | 2020 |
26 | 徐琪 | 随机需求下考虑不同竞争情形的网约车平台动态定价 | 中国管理科学 | 2020 |
27 | 范宏 | 双渠道风险传染下银行系统稳定性分析 | 中国管理科学 | 2020 |
28 | 陈梅梅 | 推荐规模对个性化推荐系统用户决策的影响研究 | 南开管理评论 | 2020 |
29 | 田增瑞 | 国际创业投资研究热点与趋势的可视化分析 | 科研管理 | 2020 |