办公室: 旭日楼 628
邮箱: jh_jin@dhu.edu.cn
研究兴趣: 区域投入产出分析、国际贸易与环境问题等
2000.04-2004.03 经济学,日本横滨国立大学,博士
1997.04-1999.03 经济学,日本横滨国立大学,硕士
1986.09-1990.07 档案专业,吉林大学,学士
2010.10至今 旭日工商管理学院, 东华大学, 副教授。
2008.09-2010.09 日本学术振兴会基金,日本横滨国立大学,博士后研究。
2004.11-2010.09 北京师范大学,经济与资源管理研究院,副教授。
Jin, J. & Steffens, M. (2015). Factors analysis of the electronics trade imbalance between the US and China. International Journal of Marketing Studies, (6): 172-177.
Jin, J., & Mao, X. (2013). Analysis on the conjugation factors of industrial growth and energy efficiency change in China. China Population, Resources and Environment, (5): 52-57.
Jin, J., & Hasebe, Y. (2012). Factor analysis of industry growth and energy consumption in China. Economia, 63(2): 18-26.
Jin, J. (2007). The relationship between economic structure change and carbon dioxide emission in Korea and its enlightenment. Statistical Research, (2): 60-65.
Zhang, Q. & Jin, J. (2007). An empirical analysis of the relationship between land use and economic development in Japan and Korea and its implications. Resources Science, (2): 149-155.
Jin, J. (2007). China-Japanese industry interdependence. Contemporary Economy of Japan, (2):15-19.
Jin, J., & Hasebe, Y. (2006). Factor analysis of Chinese economic structural change. Economia, (2):19-28.
Jin, J. (2005). Interdependence relationship between Korea-Japan industry. Economia, (2):39-50.
Jin, J. (2004). Comparison of Korea-Japan carbon dioxide emission structure. Input-Output Analysis, (1): 44-53.
Jin, J. (2003). Structural change of the Korean economy and environmental impact. Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences, (2): 69-82.
Jin, J. (2015). CO2 emissions embodied responsibility distribution in the China-Japan trade, presented at Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies, The 26nd Conference, Meiji University.
Jin, J. (2015). CO2 emissions embodied in the international trade between China and Japan, presented at Korea-China-Japan IO Association Joint Seminal, Yonsei University.
Jin, J. (2014) Factor analysis of the economic structure change in China-analysis on linked I-O tables, presented at Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies, The 25nd Conference, Okayama University.
Jin, J. (2011). Industrial structural change and energy consumption in China, presented at Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies, The 22nd Conference, Keio University.
Jin, J. (2016). Input - Output Analysis and Application of General Equilibrium of China’s Economy, Japan Legal Culture Society Publisher.
Jin J, (2015). A Comparative Analysis of the Development and Application of Input - Output Table of China, Japan and Korea, KEET Korea Institute of Industry Publishers.
Jin, J. (2008). Report on Development of China’s Market Economy, Beijing Normal University Publisher.
Jin, J. (2007). Urban Economics, Deputy Editor, The Economic Daily Press.
Jin, J. (2005). Report on Development of China’s Market Economy, China Business Publishing House.
2014-2017 基于国际产业分工的贸易中隐含碳与减排责任分担量化研究,教育部人文社科规划基金项目,主持人
2011-2013 中日贸易结构与碳排放实证研究,上海市浦江人才计划,主持人
2011-2013 中日国际分工与碳排放收支实证研究,上海市教委科研创新重点项目,主持人
2011 中央高校自由探索项目,中国经济增长模式与能源消耗、碳排放实证研究,主持
2010 中国经济结构变化与二氧化碳排放——对日国际分工的角度,日本学术振兴会基金,主持人
2006-2008 我国地区居民收入分配差距研究,国家社科基金重大项目,负责人
2006 中、日、韩产业相互依存关系,北京师范大学青年基金,参与人