办公室: 旭日楼705
邮箱: sf_wang@dhu.edu.cn
研究兴趣: 客户关系管理、信息技术有效性分析
2002.09-2008.03 控制科学与理论专业,东华大学,博士
1992.09-1995.03 电力传动及自动化专业,上海交通大学,硕士
1981.09-1985.07 电气自动化专业,无锡轻工业学院(现江南大学),学士
2009.10 至今 东华大学,旭日工商管理学院,教授
2003.09-2009.09 东华大学,旭日工商管理学院,副教授
1995.10-2003.08 东华大学,旭日工商管理学院,讲师
2005.03-2005.07 University of Paisley,访问学者
2015 东华大学校教学成果一等奖
2014 国家级教学成果二等奖
2014 《证券经营机构牌照管理境外经验与我国业务牌照管理体系研究》项目被中国证券业协会评为优秀课题 (联合主持)
2013 上海市教学成果奖一等奖
2012 “现代企业经营决策与仿真”被列为国家级公开视频课程建设项目并同年10月上线
2008 年度科研成果三等奖
Wang Su-Fen. A hermeneutic approach to the notion of information in IS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v5178 LNAI, n Part 2.
Wang Sufen, Cang Ping, Feng Junkang, Pan Chenyin. Exploring deep analysis method for ‘click-stream’ information from the perspective of the flow of bidrectinal value of customer relations based on Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2010, 27(3):321-329.
Sufen Wang, Junkang Feng, Chunmei Liu.A Hermeneutic Approach to the Process of Information Realizing in the Context of IS. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, 2008, Issue 3, Volume 5:94-102.
Junkang Feng, Wang Sufen. Constructing a Data Schema from an Information Flow Model. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS,2008,7,5:1292-1301.
Chenyin Pan, Sufen Wang. An Approach to Analyzing the Bidrectional Values. In Challenges in information technology management, Editors by Man-Chung Chan, Ronnie Cheung, James N. K. Liu. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Pp. 50-55.
Sufen Wang, Junkang Feng. A Framework for Analyzing the ‘Information Bearing Capability’ of an Information System.International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2007:4087-4093.
Zhuolun Zhang, Sufen Wang. A framework model study for ontology-driven ETL processes. 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, p 4680840
Cang Ping, Wang Sufen. A pilot study of meaning of information in information systems based on Heidegger's work on 'being'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, SIGNAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, pp 145-148
Wang Sufen, Cang Ping. Preliminary Exploration on Different Concepts of Knowledge Based on the Meaning of Information. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS, pp 240-242
Sufen Wang, Xiaohong Hu, and Junkang Feng. An Analysis of the Process of Information Realization in Information Systems based on Hermeneutics and Semiotics. Information Systems in the Changing Era:Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations. Beijing, 11-12 April 2009.166-172.
Wang Sufen, Quan Blin, Fei Zhangfeng. Research on Digital Environment of Multifirm Network Based on Bi-Directional Relation Value Co-Creation. International Conference on Management and Information Technology (CMIT 2013),2013,10.776_7
Wang Sufen, Wang Lu, Du Ming. The Development of Measurement Scales about Pertinence of Information Technology Application in Classroom Teaching of Management Courses in Colleges and Universities. International Conference on Management and Information Technology (CMIT 2013), 2013,10.862_868
王素芬, 仓平, 刘玉.信息系统领域中各信息观点的对比分析. 情报杂志, 2008,4:55-57.
王素芬,杨保安,封均康. 基于描述逻辑的面向管理决策的异构知识的表示. 控制与决策,2006,21(4):462-465.
潘晨隐,王素芬.客户关系管理中两股价值流分析. 工业工程,2007,10(5):34-39. CSCI收录
Wang, S., &Feng, J. (2007). A Framework for Analyzing the ‘Information Bearing Capability of an Information System, presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
Zhang, Z., &Wang, S. A framework model study for ontology-driven ETL processes, presented at the 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing.
Cang, P., & Wang, S. A pilot study of meaning of information in information systems based on Heidegger's work on 'being', presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd wseas International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications.
Wang, S., & Cang, P. Preliminary Exploration on Different Concepts of Knowledge Based on the Meaning of Information, presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd wseas International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications.
Wang, S., Hu, X., & Feng, J. (2009). An analysis of the process of information realization in information systems based on hermeneutics and semiotics. Information systems in the changing era: theory and practice, presented at the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations.
Wang, S., Quan, B., & Fei, Z. (2013). Research on Digital Environment of Multifirm Network Based on Bi-Directional Relation Value Co-Creation, presented at the International Conference on Management and Information Technology.
Wang, S., Wang, L., & Du, M. (2013). The Development of Measurement Scales about Pertinence of Information Technology Application in Classroom Teaching of Management Courses in Colleges and Universities, presented at the International Conference on Management and Information Technology.
研究生:Python语言与智能决策, 数据仓库与数据挖掘