20201209上海海事大学胡鸿韬教授学术讲座 |
发布人:周莉莉 发布时间:2020-12-04 浏览次数:1506 |
报告主题:An improved Benders decomposition method for stochastic yard template planning in container terminals 报告时间:12月9日(周三)上午9:00 报告地点:旭日楼211教室+腾讯会议,会议ID:211 887 684 报告人:胡鸿韬 教授 报告人简介: 胡鸿韬,教授,博导,曙光学者,青年东方学者,浦江人才。获复旦大学和上海交通大学学士和博士学位,并在新加坡国立大学担任研究员2年。现为上海海事大学物流工程与管理硕士点负责人,上海市重点课程负责人。主要研究方向是港航、物流及供应链的管理与优化,发表SCI或SSCI论文23篇,编写著作2部,主持国家自科项目2项,省部级项目1项,市局级项目1项。 报告简介: This research presents a two-stage stochastic programming model for yard template planning, with the aim of minimizing the maintenance and manpower costs of activating yard cranes for container handling and the carbon dioxide emitted from yard trucks. An improved Benders decomposition-based solution method is designed to solve the proposed model with large-scale problem instances. Several experiments were performed to validate the effectiveness of the model and the efficiency of the method. |