发布人:周莉莉  发布时间:2019-04-18   浏览次数:1065



杨帅 沈滨 王雷 徐琪 李庆颖 周建亨 郑斐峰 徐寅峰



  1. Shuai Yang(杨帅), Guiyang Xiong* (2019) Try It On! Contingency Effects of Virtual Fitting Rooms. Journal of Management Information Systems (FT50期刊), 录用.

  1. Bin Shen (沈滨), Xu, X., Choi, T.M.* (2019) Simplicity is Beauty: Pricing Coordination in Two-Product Supply Chains with Simplest Contracts under Voluntary Compliance. International Journal of Production Research, 录用.

  1. Bin Shen(沈滨), Deng, Y., Wang, X., Qingying Li(李庆颖)* (2019) Overstated Product Sustainability: Real Cases and a Game-Theoretical Analysis. Annals of Operations Research, 录用.

  1. Bin Shen(沈滨), Choi, T.M.*, Minner, S (2019) A Review on Supply Chain Contracting with Information Considerations: Information Updating and Information Asymmetry. International Journal of Production Research, 录用.

  1. Bin Shen (沈滨), Choi T.M.*, Chan, H.L (2019) Selling Green First or Not? A Bayesian Analysis with Service Levels and Environmental Impact Considerations in the Big Data Era. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 录用.

  1. Lei Wang(王雷), Jiang, F., Li, J. Motohashi, K. Zhang, X. (2019) The Contingent Effects of Asset Specificity, Contract Specificity, and Trust on Offshore Relationship Performance. Journal of business research, 99(3), 338-349.

  1. Lei Wang(王雷), Zhang, C., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2019) Matching governance mechanisms with transaction-specific investment types and supplier roles: An empirical study of cross-border outsourcing arrangements. International Business Review, 28(2): 316-327.

  1. Lei Wang(王雷), Huo, D., Motohashi, K. (2018) Coordination Mechanisms and Overseas Knowledge Acquisition for Chinese Suppliers: The Contingent Impact of Production Mode and Contractual Governance. Journal of International Management, 35(2): 1-17.

  1. Qi Chen, Qi Xu*(徐琪), Wenjie Wang (2019) Optimal Policies for the Pricing and Replenishment of Fashion Apparel considering the Effect of Fashion Level. Complexity, 1: 1-12.

  1. Qingying Li (李庆颖) & Jianheng Zhou (周建亨)(2019) A horizontal capacity reservation game under asymmetric information, International Journal of Production Research, 57(4): 1103-1118.

  1. Xiaoyi Man, Feifeng Zheng(郑斐峰), Feng Chu*, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu徐寅峰(2019) Bi-objective optimization for a two-depot automated storage/retrieval system. Annals of Operations Research, 录用.