发布人:周莉莉  发布时间:2015-11-09   浏览次数:1432

报告题目:The Newsvendor Rat

人:美国普渡大学Qi Annabelle Feng/冯奇教授




12日上午9:00Formulating the Objectives of Operations

12日下午1:00 Advanced Selling to Strategic Customers

13日上午9:00 Inventory-Based Dynamic Pricing: Backorder Case

13日下午1:00Inventory-Based Dynamic Pricing: Lost Sales Case

报告内容简介:Modeling is the key for solving a problem and generating understandings in business. The newsvendor model has become the building block of many studies in operations and supply chain management. In this series of lectures, we take the newsvendor model as an example to discuss the art and the science of modeling. More often than not, when operations management researchers attempt to study a new phenomenon, we set up models by applying the newsvendor logic—this model often serves as the experimental rat for operations management researchers.We will start with basic properties derived from newsvendor model using stochastic orders and stochastic functions, and present several important applications. In particular, we will discuss several application areas of problems in recent studies discuss why a certain way of applying newsvendor model is inappropriate and how one should think of the application context when formulating a problem applying the newsvendor model.

报告人简介:冯奇教授是美国普渡大学 Krannert 管理学院John and Donna Krenicki Chair Professor 2006-2012年执教于德州大学奥斯汀UT AustinMcCombs 商学院。2012年在普渡大学Krannert 管理学院任副教授,2014年任教授,同年任John and Donna Krenicki教授。2006年于德州大学 -达拉斯UT Dallas获管理学博士学位。冯教授研究兴趣:不确定环境下供应链管理中的企业采购决策、产品开发和扩散管理、资源调度安排、经济增长模型及信息系统管理等。她的研究成果主要发表在 Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management等国际顶级学术期刊上。冯教授2009年获得INFORMS Junior Faculty Paper CompetitionFranz Edelman Award2012年获得 the Wickham Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishment Award