

  国际期刊 国内经济管理类期刊 国内相关领域期刊
A+ 46种 / /
顶级期刊 注1
A 204种 4种 /
高端期刊 管理科学(33) 《中国社会科学》
  管理信息系统(27) 《经济研究》
  市场(18) 《管理世界》
  会计(11) 《管理科学学报》
B+ 以上未列出的最新SCI和SSCI来源期刊 10种 /
权威期刊 注4
B / 36种 31种
资深期刊 注5
C+ 其他外文学术类期刊 以上未列出的最新CSSCI和CSCD来源期刊
重要期刊 注3
C / 以上未列出的最新北大中文核心期刊








序号 等级 国际期刊A+类
1 A+ Academy of Management Journal
2 A+ Academy of Management Perspectives
3 A+ Academy of Management Review
4 A+ Accounting, Organisations and Society
5 A+ Accounting Review
6 A+ Administrative Science Quarterly
7 A+ American Economic Review
8 A+ Econometrica
9 A+ California Management Review
10 A+ Contemporary Accounting Research
11 A+ Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
12 A+ Harvard Business Review
13 A+ Human Resource Management
14 A+ Information Systems Research
15 A+ Journal of Accounting and Economics
16 A+ Journal of Accounting Research
17 A+ Journal of Applied Psychology
18 A+ Journal of Business Ethics
19 A+ Journal of Business Venturing
20 A+ Journal of Consumer Psychology
21 A+ Journal of Consumer Research
22 A+ Journal of Finance
23 A+ Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
24 A+ Journal of Financial Economics
25 A+ Journal of International Business Studies
26 A+ Journal of Management Studies
27 A+ Journal of Marketing
28 A+ Journal of Marketing Research
29 A+ Journal of Operations Management
30 A+ Journal of the American Statistical Association
31 A+ Journal on Computing
32 A+ Journal of Political Economy
33 A+ Management Science
34 A+ Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
35 A+ Marketing Science
36 A+ MIS Quarterly
37 A+ Operations Research
38 A+ Organization Science
39 A+ Organization Studies
40 A+ Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes
41 A+ Production and Operations Management
42 A+ Quarterly Journal of Economics
43 A+ Rand Journal of Economics
44 A+ Review of Accounting Studies
45 A+ Review of Financial Studies
46 A+ Strategic Management Journal?
序号 等级 Management Science(管理科学)
1 A Advances in Applied Probability?
2 A Annals of Operations Research
3 A Annals of Statistics?
4 A Decision Sciences
5 A Energy Journal
6 A European Journal of Operational Research
7 A IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(Regular papers)
8 A IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Regular papers)
9 A IIE Transactions
10 A Interfaces
11 A International Journal of Forecasting
12 A International Journal of Operations & Production Management
13 A International Journal of Production Economics
14 A International Journal of Production Research
15 A Journal of Forecasting
16 A Journal of Product Innovation Management
17 A Journal of Scheduling
18 A Journal of the Operational Research Society
19 A Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, B
20 A Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
21 A Mathematical Programming
22 A Mathematics of Operations Research
23 A Naval Research Logistics
24 A Omega-International Journal of Management Science
25 A Production Planning & Control
26 A R & D Management
27 A Reliability Engineering & System Safety
28 A Risk Analysis
29 A Supply Chain Management-An International Journal
30 A Technological Forecasting and Social Change
31 A Technovation
32 A Transportation Research: Part A, B, C, D, E
33 A Transportation Science
序号 等级 Management Information System(管理信息系统)
1 A ACM Computing Surveys
2 A ACM Transactions on Database Systems?
3 A ACM Transactions on Information Systems
4 A ACM Transactions on Software Engineering
5 A Advanced Engineering Informatics
6 A Advances in Complex Systems
7 A Artificial Intelligence?
8 A Communications of the ACM?
9 A Complexity
10 A Computers & Operations Research
11 A Decision Sciences
12 A Decision Support Systems
13 A Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
14 A European Journal of Information Systems?
15 A IEEE Transactions on Computers
16 A IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
17 A IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
18 A Information Processing & Management?
19 A Information Systems
20 A International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
21 A International Journal of Electronic Commerce?
22 A Journal of Information Technology?
23 A Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
24 A Journal of Management Information Systems?
25 A Knowledge Engineering Review
26 A Knowledge-based Systems
27 A Physical Review? E
序号 等级 Marketing(市场)
1 A European Journal of Marketing
2 A Industrial Marketing Management
3 A International Journal of Research in Marketing
4 A Journal of Advertising
5 A Journal of Advertising Research?
6 A Journal of Business Research?
7 A Journal of Consumer Affairs
8 A Journal of Global Marketing
9 A Journal of Interactive Marketing
10 A Journal of International Marketing
11 A Journal of Macromarketing
12 A Journal of Marketing Management
13 A Journal of Public Policy & Marketing?
14 A Journal of Retailing?
15 A Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
16 A Marketing Letters
17 A Psychology and Marketing?
18 A Public Opinion Quarterly?
序号 等级 Accounting (会计)
1 A Abacus - A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies
2 A Accounting & Business Research
3 A Accounting and Finance
4 A Accounting Horizons
5 A Auditing-A Journal of Practice and Theory
6 A European Accounting Review?
7 A Financial Management?
8 A Journal of Accounting and Public Policy?
9 A Journal of Business Finance and Accounting?
10 A Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting?
11 A Management Accounting Research?
序号 等级 Finance(金融)
1 A European Journal of Finance?
2 A Financial Analysts Journal?
3 A Financial Management?
4 A Journal of Banking & Finance?
5 A Journal of Corporate Finance?
6 A Journal of Empirical Finance?
7 A Journal of Financial Intermediation
8 A Journal of Financial Markets
9 A Journal of Financial Services Research?
10 A Journal of Futures Markets?
11 A Journal of International Money and Finance
12 A Journal of Money, Credit & Banking
13 A Journal of Portfolio Management
14 A Journal of Risk & Insurance?
15 A Mathematical Finance?
16 A Pacific Basin Finance Journal?
17 A Quantitative Finance
18 A Review of Finance
序号 等级 Economics(经济)
1 A Brookings Papers on Economic Activity?
2 A Cambridge Journal of Economics
3 A Canadian Journal of Economics
4 A China Economic Review
5 A Ecological Economics
6 A Economic History Review
7 A Economic Geography
8 A Economic Inquiry
9 A Economic Journal?
10 A Economic Policy
11 A Economic Theory
12 A Economica
13 A Economics Letters
14 A Energy Economics
15 A Energy Policy
16 A European Economic Review
17 A Games and Economic Behavior
18 A International Economic Review
19 A International Journal of Industrial Organization
20 A Journal of Agricultural Economics
21 A Journal of Applied Econometrics
22 A Journal of Comparative Economics
23 A Journal of Development Economics
24 A Journal of Econometrics?
25 A Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
26 A Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
27 A Journal of Economic Growth
28 A Journal of Economic Literature
29 A Journal of Economic Perspectives
30 A Journal of Economic Theory?
31 A Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
32 A Journal of Health Economics
33 A Journal of International Economics
34 A Journal of Industrial Economics
35 A Journal of Labor Economics
36 A Journal of Law and Economics
37 A Journal of Macroeconomics
38 A Journal of Monetary Economics
39 A Journal of Public Economics
40 A Journal of Urban Economics
41 A Land Economics
42 A Oxford Economics Papers
43 A Pacific Economic Review?
44 A Public Choice
45 A Regional Science & Urban Economics
46 A Review of Economic Studies?
47 A Review of Economics & Statistics?
48 A Southern Economic Journal
49 A World Bank Economic Review
50 A World Economy
序号 等级 General Management(管理(综合))
1 A Academy of Management Executive?
2 A Annals of Tourism Research
3 A British Journal of Industrial Relations?
4 A China Quarterly
5 A European Journal of Industrial Relations
6 A Group & Organization Management
7 A Human Performance?
8 A Human Relations 
9 A Human Resource Management Journal
10 A Industrial & Labor Relations Review
11 A Industrial Relations?
12 A International Business Review?
13 A International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
14 A International Journal of Hospitality Management
15 A International Journal of Human Resource Management?
16 A International Journal of Industrial Organization?
17 A International Journal of Selection and Assessment
18 A Journal of Applied Behavioral Science?
19 A Journal of Business Research
20 A Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology
21 A Journal of Forecasting?
22 A Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
23 A Journal of Human Resources
24 A Journal of International Management
25 A Journal of Management
26 A Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
27 A Journal of Organizational Behavior
28 A Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
29 A Journal of Sustainable Tourism
30 A journal of travel research
31 A Journal of Vocational Behavior
32 A Journal of World Business
33 A Leadership Quarterly
34 A Leisure Science
35 A Long Range Planning
36 A Management International Review?
37 A MIT Sloan Management Review
38 A Organization
39 A Organizational Dynamics
40 A Organizational Research Methods
41 A Personnel Psychology
42 A Research in Organizational Behavior
43 A Research Policy
44 A Theory, Culture & Society?
45 A Tourism Management
46 A Work and Occupations
47 A Work Employment and Society
序号 等级 期刊
1 A 中国社会科学
2 A 经济研究
3 A 管理世界
4 A 管理科学学报
5 B+ 南开管理评论
6 B+ 世界经济
7 B+ 中国工业经济
8 B+ 金融研究
9 B+ 会计研究
10 B+ 系统工程理论与实践
11 B+ 中国软科学
12 B+ 经济学(季刊)
13 B+ 科研管理
14 B+ 中国管理科学
15 B 数量经济技术经济研究
16 B 系统工程学报 
17 B 系统管理学报
18 B 管理评论 
19 B 管理工程学报 
20 B 情报学报
21 B 公共管理学报
22 B 管理科学
23 B 预测
24 B 运筹与管理
25 B 科学学研究
26 B 农业经济问题
27 B 管理学报
28 B 工业工程与管理
29 B 系统工程
30 B 科学学与科学技术管理
31 B 研究与发展管理
32 B 中国人口·资源与环境
33 B 数理统计与管理
34 B 中国农村经济
35 B 经济科学
36 B 财经研究
37 B 中国农村观察
38 B 国际金融研究
39 B 国际经济评论
40 B 世界经济文汇
41 B 财贸经济
42 B 南开经济研究
43 B 世界经济研究
44 B 经济学家
45 B 经济理论与经济管理
46 B 国际贸易问题
47 B 经济评论
48 B 审计研究
49 B 当代经济科学
50 B 经济学动态
C+ 以上未列出的最新CSSCI和CSCD来源期刊
C 以上未列出的最新北大中文核心期刊
序号 等级 期刊
1 B 人民日报理论版
2 B 光明日报理论版
3 B 新华文摘非摘要性转载的论文
4 B 中国社会科学文摘非摘要性转载的论文
5 B 中国科学
6 B 科学通报
7 B 控制与决策
8 B 系统科学与数学
9 B 运筹学学报
10 B 控制理论与应用
11 B 数学年刊
12 B 数学学报
13 B 数学物理学报
14 B 物理学报
15 B 机械工程学报
16 B 计算机集成制造系统
17 B 计算机学报
18 B 软件学报
19 B 求是
20 B 哲学研究
21 B 政治学研究
22 B 心理学报
23 B 社会学研究
24 B 中国人民大学学报?
25 B 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)?
26 B 学术月刊
27 B 世界经济与政治
28 B 法学研究
29 B 教育研究
30 B 旅游学刊
31 B 经济地理
C+ 以上未列出的最新CSSCI和CSCD来源期刊
C 以上未列出的最新北大中文核心期刊
